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    # Afforestation

    # Avoid chemicals as fertilizers. Natural manure can be used

    # Builting dams avoids soil being washed away by rivers


    # Recycling used water

    # Rain Water Harvesting

    # Optimal usage of water(Avoid wasting)

  2. I can only give one example of each

    soil conservation


    water conservation

    -stop chemically poluted water from mixing wth good water

  3. soil conservation

    1.we should plant more trees in hilly area

    2.terrace farming should be done in hilly areas

    3.overgrazing of animals should be avioded

  4. soil spike plow or disc the land when preparing for planting

    leave plant stubble on land after harvesting this will hold soil from wind erosion

    prevent livestock from drinking from streams as they degrade the banks and soil is eroded into waterway

    water use rain barrels for gathering water to water garden and flowers,don't waste water to water lawns or wash down driveways,low flow shower head,low flow toilets,cold water detergents for laundry,repair leaking taps

  5. SOIL CONSERVATION can be done by following 3 things-

    1) by planting shelter belts in the field area so that floods ' winds etc. do not blow away the soils.

    2) you can also plant mangrooove trees in the marshy land to prevent flow of soils rich in minerals

    3) do not keep the land barrren instead it could be used for growing grass which would simply prevent soil erosion.


    1) avoiding  direct disposal of industrial waste into water bodies instead it should be treated first an dthen disposed off

    2) preventing weed growth on water surface also conserves water

    3) flow of fertilizaers and other chemicals should also be checked as they are a major cause of water pollution.

  6. For soil conservation :---

    1.) Avoid overgrazing of animals

    2.) Plant more trees at the catchment areas

    3.)Do terrace farming in the hilly areas

    4.)Avoid deforestation where there is considerable currewnt in the flow of water

    For Water Conservation:--

    1.) Dig artificial ponds & dykes to conserve rain waste in India more than 60% of rain water is wasted & a increase in 10% for water conservation there is 5% increase in food production.

    2.) We should be cautious about our daily water usage.

    3.) excessive use of ground water should be avoided.

    4.) All industries need to have water treatment plant so that waste water is treated so that it is fit for human use later & also help in saving water.

  7. Soil

    -plant trees, or groundcover on slopes

    -leave 'stubs' of crops on fields when not in use to avoid wind erosion

    -plant alternate rows of crops with species that naturally provide nitrogen to the soil, to lessen need for chemicals which eventually completely destroy the soil.


    -shorten showers, less water for baths, turn off water when brushing teeth, never leave a tap running when reaching for something

    -use rain barrels outside to collect water for grass, gardens, indoor plants

    -only do full loads of laundry, or have washer that can adjust water level (and use only if necessary).

    -changing pets water-don't dump down sink, throw outside on plants/grass, every bit helps.

  8. water conservation:

    go to the river to take a bath and  to wash your clothes just like the old days.

  9. u shoud be save soil and water to use for conservation method***

    soil conservation :

    1 u plantation for dryland area or ur near home or farmland border

    2 grassseed may use for ur land

    water conservation :

    1 farm pond bund

    2 conter granded bund

    3 c c t stuctuer terracing

    4 earten stuctuer

    5 hilly area may use for bund stuctuer

    6 save to rain water

    ti's all type r use for siol and water cosrv'n

  10. Plant more trees ; cut less ....

    Dont throw plastic to soil .................

    create rain harvesting digs in your land ............

  11. shower with others

    save water and energy where a dirty shirt

    i got nothin else

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