
Give 5 reasons why cutting of trees should be banned??? best ans will get 10 points?

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Give 5 reasons why cutting of trees should be banned??? best ans will get 10 points?




  1. 1) increases global warming

    2) animals lose their habitats

    3) unknown medicines could be lost

    4) The world would be an uglier place

    5) We could all die eventually because of this!!!

  2. There is no good reason.

    What should occur is that certain sections of old growth timber should be protected in national parks.

    The vast majority of forests should be harvested.

    Timber is a renewable resource, unlike oil.

    Wood products place no strain on the environment.  They will decompose.  Wood like products - i.e. that plastic-board/Azek stuff will still be here when your grandchildrens grandchildren are alive.  Better living through chemistry isn't always a good thing.

  3. 1. your life will be at risk

    2. our world will be more hotter

    3. oxygen around us will be lessen

    4. food shortage because of fruits

    5. our world will suffer

    so please,stop cutting trees...

  4. 1. There will be less biodiversity

    2. Animals loose their habitat

    3. More Global Warming because the trees cant collect the carbon dioxide

    4. Your making space from cutting down trees, and the extra space is maybe not even necesarry.

    5. Its just plain wrong

  5. 1.humans breathe out carbon dioxide. and trees and flowers give out oxygen to the air that we breathe in. If we keep cuttin trees. There would not be enough trees to produce oxygen. And we cant breathe in carbon dioxide cause then we would get carbon dioxide poison.

    2. MOre car accidents because  more animals would be running n the streets because of the loss of homes.

    3.More possibilty of getting deer ticks on your pets and yourself because alot of deer have lost their homes and deers have ticks. Its getting so bad 3 famlies of deer live in my backyard.

    4.animal attacks. More animal attacks would happen if all the forests are gone because they would have no ware to go.

    5. The world  that we live in wuld be a falling community because of the loss of trees. Animal attacks, deer ticks, car accidents and ect...

  6. 1. Trees emit oxygen and use carbon dioxide - we can't live without oxygen and by using carbon dioxide, trees help rid of some CO2 harmful gases

    2. Cutting trees down causes loss of animal habitat, which sometimes makes certain animals migrate to another area (not their natural habitat) and disrupts  the ecosystem there (like the beetles in B.C.)

    3. Trees are not renewable per say - yes, you can replant them, but it takes decades, even a hundred years for them to become full grown again

    4. Many types of trees provide fruit/ edible leaves (even if it is not edible for humans, some animals eat it, ie. eucalyptus)

    5. Most people who cut down trees using clear-cutting (all the trees in an area) not selective cutting (cutting only a few random trees in an area). Clear cutting is horrible and destroys habitats and disrupts ecosystems, plus it does not promote new tree growth

    **PS i don't think we should completely ban cutting trees, but selective cutting and the use of biodegradable non-timber products would be WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY better

    good question btw :)

  7. 1. animals will loose there homes

    2. trees are pretty to look at and then there will not be any to do so.

    3.trees help us by axcepting our carbon dioxide

    4. this will produce global warming

    5. animals will be in more danger then they r now

  8. Umm.........well...........I learnt this during environmental education class......has helped me understand ecological balance so will it to you!!!!!! here are the essentials:

    *Soil erosion

    *Extinction  of exotic animals thats live on certain trees and loss of habitat for others.

    *Lesser purification of air that means the level of Carbon dioxide increases and lessens the oxygen level.

    *Global warming........the trees cool the atmosphere of the earth.......if they are cut........the earth will get heated up and the polar ice caps will melt faster.....ringing the devil's bell for all biotic components!!!!!!!

    *No more dense jungles to explore or to camp in! and tree felling makes the earth a much more uglier place to live in!

           So........don't cut a tree and let it grow free!!!!!!!coz....they exhale, what we inhale!!!

    Visit: for more details.

  9. Umm

    1-No more wooden furniture or wooden homes only metal or plastic

    2-No more new homes being built because you can not cut down trees to put them there

    3-No more fear of loosing our forest because of city development areas

    4-No more new roads being put in cause you are not allowed to cut down trees

    5-No more burning wood in the winter time to heat homes all people have to use Heating energy that come from coal oil or electric help save the atmosphere this way

    .. ...

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