
Give Advice for school?

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My school starts in about 2 weeks. I got a paper sent home with all my teachers on it. When I looked at the teacher for SS I was shocked. The Dean of Students is my new SS Teacher. He isn't mean to me or anything, but come on, He is the Dean of Students. If you act up, he will be like so furious. What if I forget my homework, what if i'm late to class?

Please Help

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  1. I've known many Deans in my day. Remember, they are people too. Make friends with him...that's the best. Have conversations, do a few extra credit assignments. Show him good content, such as this one: or if you're in high school:

    By all means, in your conversation, talk about the elections!

    Good luck!

  2. I have freaked out loads of times about who my teachers going to be but actually once you have been in their class for a certain amount of time they seem to get nicer. If you really feel that you can't stand to be in the class... ask to move to another class.

    Hope i helped and maybe you could help me??

    Thanx  x

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