
Give a brief explanation why first aiders need to keep seriously injured person lying down?

by  |  earlier

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safety precautions in the food service industry




  1. well if they were jumping around yelling in pain, they could probably pass out and go into hypovulemic shock quickly if they were losing blood or hurt themselves worse than they already are. first aiders are always advised to keep the injured person calm and out of harm's way.

    this applies to all first aid safety precautions, not just the food service industry.

  2. Okay,  so what good does getting someone standing up or sitting up do?  It's not treating their injury.   You could be harming them worse, just for the sake of feeling better to have them standing.   You don't move someone until they are assessed what the injury is.  The worst case scenario is a back or neck injury that if moved makes it worse to paralyze or kill.

  3. You don't wanna move them because you don't know what's wrong with them. It's to prevent from further injuring them since you are likely not equipped to handle a person who is seriously injured. You just gotta keep em still until the proper authorities arrive.

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