
Give a figure of speech from the poem?

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Once riding in old Baltimore,

Heart-filled, head-filled with glee,

I saw a Baltimorean

Keep looking straight at me.

Now I was eight and very small,

And he was no whit bigger,

And so I smiled, but he poked out

His tongue, and called me, "******."

I saw the whole of Baltimore

From May until December;

Of all the things that happened there

That's all that I remember.

choose a line from the poem and write its figure of speech

and how it adds to the meaning of the poem




  1. Suggestion - when you submit another poet's work on the internet - it is customary to state their name. The title of this poem should have been stated as "Incident " By Countee Cullen . This courtesy is to prevent someone from thinking this work is yours. Thanks ♥

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