
Give an example of a country that you feel has a good government. give two reasons why?

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Give an example of a country that you feel has a good government. give two reasons why?




  1. Antarctica, maybe?

    One, I don't think there is one, and two-- there doesn't need to be another reason if the first is true.

    Edit: ac26xp: Yes, you are correct about the Constitution but it's government we're talking about here. 10th Amendment? When does the US Govt. follow it?

  2. The United States of America.

    1) more people want to become American citizens than any other country on the planet.

    2) when you eliminate distorted interpretation,  the Constitution of the United States does respect and protect it's citizens.

    People may not always respect and protect, but the Constitution does and no other country has a better living and breathing document.

    Good luck !

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