
Give an example of a human behavior that is considered deviant in one society?

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Give an example of a human behavior that is considered deviant in one societyWhat are the factors that have

contributed to this society's perspective of the deviant behavior? Why does this

society consider the behavior to be deviant but other societies do not?

o When a crime is committed by someone who has a powerful status in this

society, how is their deviant behavior handled in comparison to someone who

has less power in society?




  1. Homework got you down...please google this

  2. The U.S. Has the "Beauty Myth" that being Thin is the Norm..!

    But Nigerian Culture states that being fat is a mark of beauty; they have 'coming-of-age rituals for young girls to spend a month in a 'fattening room'..!

    Also. Tobacco-Smoking has changing over time in the U.S.; It is more considered 'Deviant' today versus the image of the past....!!

  3. In Saudi Arabia, a woman showing skin other than her forehead, eyes, or hands is considered deviant. It is a sign that the woman is impure and "asking" for sexual encounters. I feel it is caused by the fact that the men there have no self-control, and would rather have the women suffer. (they are considered to be of less woth than a dog, and treated worse) If a man with higher power or any man at all is found to be guilty of rape, the man is rarely punished. The woman is always punished by some form of tortured death.

    I'm so glad I live in America.

  4. Marrying a girl at 15

    Arranged marraiges

    Girls with "wanted" facial hair

    Men with 19 wives

  5. Bestiality is legal in some countries, illegal in others.

    Cannibalism is legal in some countries.

    Some countries outlaw christianity, don't they?

  6. In Thailand, one is considered deviant if he or she will not "wai" (the way of paying respect to the elders in Thailand) to the elders, because in Thailand, people are divided into classes by age and status.

  7. In japan it is rude to look someone in the eye. It may be seen as a challenge. In other socities it is considered polite or normal to look someone in the eye.

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