
Give an example of something that can deceive our senses?

by Guest55782  |  earlier

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I gotta find an example but most of the things I've found are really just visuals. I want something different, please help me out? =]

Thanks in advance.




  1. Magic Tricks

  2. Lies.

    When a person lies, they are causing a duality in their psyche. That deceives our senses.

    Also, smiling when our natural response would be to cry, scowl or something similar.  

  3. Try this.

    With just your finger tip, touch your hair.  Now keep the finger completely still and close your eyes.  you can no longer feel the texture of your hair.  That's because the touch sensors need movement to work properly.

    Of course, some illnesses like depression can mess with our senses.  People think they hear and see things all the time.

  4. Other then narcotics, an example would be aromatherapy candles.  They are designed to trick your mind.

  5. LSD






  6. Check out the depth perception studies, that they used with small infants and animals.  They took a table and had a divider half way down the middle and covered part of the table and the whole side of the divider with a checkered tablecloth but left the second half of the table opened and placed a clear glass table top.  Many of the infants thought that there was a drop off and wouldn't cross the other side.  You'll have to read the study and get all of the details, but it shows that our sight can be deceived.  (I think it is called depth cliff).

  7. Blindfold a volunteer.  Strike a match near enough to them for them to hear the strike and smell the chemical reaction.  Then touch on the skin with a piece of ice.  Their senses will deceive them and they will think you touched them with the flame of the match.

  8. The virtual rides at theme parks. They make you believe you are flying, stopping, turning etc, at great speed when you are barely moving.

    Another would be a ventriloquist. He deceives your sense of hearing and direction.

  9. We must thrown out the original premise, that we perceive anything as it is...all perceptions skew reality.n This can't be done by further perceiving, but by knowing.

  10. Religion.

  11. LSD (any hallucinogenic drug really)

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