
Give characteristics of an environmental system?

by Guest59307  |  earlier

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help me please?




  1. I am not sure from your question if you are interested in a natural system or a man made system. The link below to a Wikipedia disambiguation page on Environment gives you links to either type and also to the definition of Environment. These links might help you.

  2. In systems theory, a "system" is simply "something" for which the boundaries are defined and you track the inputs, the outputs, and how the system changes.

    This is a *very* broad definition, & can be applied to physical, chemical, natural, and man-made systems, environmental or otherwise.

    People who do systems analysis on environmental systems like to describe systems in terms of whether they are stable (steady-state) or unstable (non-sustainable).  This ties into the determination of whether a system as "homeostatic" (self regulating).  

    A simple example:  if you look at an environmental system (for instance, a lake) and you can document that more material (sediment) is entering the system than leaving it, you can reasonably conclude that this is a non-sustainable system.  Eventually, the lake will fill up and no longer be a lake.  You can calculate the volume of the lake that is being filled, the rate at which filling is occurring, and the amount of time until it is full.  (Naturally it can get much more complicated, but this gives you the idea.)

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