
Give examples how JUSTICE is served on other societies.?

by Guest62019  |  earlier

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Give examples how JUSTICE is served on other societies.?




  1. Here in Brazil rich people have access to benefits because that can pay good lawyers.

    For example, if you stole R$100,000,000 from Brazilian government you will not be punished with prison, but if you stole tree breads probably you will stay one year at prison, without judgment. I am not kidding, unfortunately this is the reality here, and because of this I am not at Law school.

    Other country: In Afghanistan, is like this: First the culture, second the law...

  2. Muslim nations do all kinds of harsh things. And people think lethal injection is bad.

    They chop off extremities and all kinds of stuff.

  3. For stealing two teens ,were sent to an Island to stay for a duration alone with only survival on their side.Shun ed from the family and friends.

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