
Give examples of different types of fossils, formed and state the role of fossils in evolution?

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Give examples of different types of fossils, formed and state the role of fossils in evolution?




  1. Ammonites, trilobites, graptolites

    Ammonites are the ancestors of octopus and squid, they have many similar features. Most people thing that Nautilus is the ancestor and they are wrong :)

  2. Fossils that are not actual remains of plants or animals but which produce evidence of the presence of prehistoric organisms are known as 'Trace Fossils'.Tracks and foot prints made by animals in sediment  that subsequently turned into rock belong to this type.

    Fossils of species that lived for just a short span of geological time,and are widespread around the world,allow geologists to date the rocks in which they are found to a reasonably specific time period.Such fossils are known as 'Index fossils'.Fossils such as graftolites and conodonts evolved and became extinct over geologically short periods of time.This makes them useful for dating the rocks in which they were found.Such fossils are Index fossils

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