
Give examples of gender socialization.?

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Gender socialization refers to the learning of behavior and attitudes considered appropriate for a given s*x. Boys learn to be boys and girls learn to be girls. This "learning" happens by way of many different agents of socialization. The family is certainly important in reinforcing gender roles, but so are one’s friends, school, work and the mass media. Gender roles are reinforced through "countless subtle and not so subtle ways."




  1. This is far left field, but, in prison, homosexual behavior is not considered "g*y"; one person becomes more 'feminine' than the 'man'; these divisions are reinforced by violence ("not so subtle ways").

    Also, left field, but have you ever seen the movie "Boys Don't Cry" - that was also a "not so subtle way" to reinforce gender stereotypes.

    Many people scoff at the sociology of gender, but I believe it is bred out of ignorance and societally-bred contempt. In fact, I believe the strong reaction to the discipline is evidence of how powerful our gender stereotypes really are.  Since sociologists of gender try to challenge those societal assumptions, they are help up to ridicule and scorn.

  2. Children's toys are a good example. Boys tend to get toy trucks and play tool sets- "Boy things" that reinforce male gender roles like fixing things. Girls tend to get toy houses and baby dolls- "Girl things" that reinforce female gender roles like house work and caring for children. It's all gender socialization.

  3. Gender socialization is as you have  stated  are  gender "role playing" So with this being defined playing :"Cars" or "guns" would Be identified  with boys  rather than girls (or normative or orthodoxy "girl" situation roles  as opposed  to Boys or  orthodoxy boy  norms.

    An Example for girls  would  be  playing  with "dolls"  or  or  playing  with  something that is  normative girl orthodoxy thinking. But even at that boys have  their  "Hulk"  or "G I Joe"  dolls  and  Girls  can  have  their  unified  cars  or whatever

  4. I did this for a science fair project one year. I took pictures of things that were associated with males and things that were associated with females and glued them onto a board. Then I let kids try to memorize what was there. It turned out the boys remembered more objects associated with their s*x than the things associated with the female s*x and vise versa. A good example of gender socialization are the toys we give to kids. Have you ever seen a little boy with a doll or one of those toy vacuum cleaners? Another good example are clothes... Do you see a lot of little girls dressed up as firefighters for Halloween? We also create gender differences from birth by have boy and girl colors, Blue for boys and Pink for girls.

    10 points?

  5. Examples of gender socialization.

    Were are embedded in this type of socialization from the day we are born.  When we are born the boy automatically gets blue and the Girls get pink, why not yellow, yellow is a neutral colour and you  cant tell if its meant for boys or girl. Moreover, when baby boys cry or misbehave most would say oh don't cry like a girl, or are you a girl. Kids see their fathers as being the bread winners, their at work and doing "manly" duties. when Children watch T.V certain shows are geared towards boys and girls. Girls are given barbies to play with so they can practice their womanly roles for when they grow up because they are supposed to be great nurturers.The toys that children play with to the clothes they wear , help children become familiar with their gender roles.

    Furthermore, language that we associate, our children with in school silently give them gender ideas. For example , Fire man, police man, why not fire woman ? when they are shown pictures of people in their occupations such as nurses we are shown women, for scientists and doctors we are shown pictures of men. It was not only recently that we changed our way of describing things in gender neutral ways.

    Sometimes it gets me confused in trying to understand the difference between nature and nurture, because, it seems like most little boys act the same and girls act the same as well. Is it the way that God made us or are we really sponges that soak up any and every type of information and influence that we can find out in the world.

    Again gender socialization differs cross culturally. In some cultures and tribes in other parts in the world, you have to reach a certain age in order to become initiated into a man ( women are biologically- Menstrual) young boys would be taken into seclusion and will be thought and tested into becoming a man. What they do is considered to us inhumane, but its the way they see best .

    In our world it seems that misfits are not allowed  and it seems weird to others that see someone that does not fit into the traditional man and woman role.

    Hope this helped.

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