
Give examples of <span title="assets,liabilities,equity,revenue,expense?">assets,liabilities,equity...</span>

by Guest61618  |  earlier

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give at least 20 answers from each of the elements of financial statements.




  1. Homes,cars,boats,investments etc. Antyhing you own can be concidered assests. Home theaters,computers all that stuff.

  2. Assets are what you own: cash, inventory, automobiles, computers, office equipment

    Liabilities are what you owe: bills, credit card debt, taxes, loans

    Equity is the book value of the company, entity, or individual: retained earnings, common stock, additional paid-in capital

    Revenue is the what a business takes in (charges/invoices) during a specific period: products sold, services rendered, interest charged, fees collected, rents received

    Cost of Goods Sold is the direct cost related to the revenue: Cost of the product, delivery cost, installation cost, warehouse rental

    Gross Profit is revenue minus cost of good sold.

    Expenses are the other costs of the doing business: payroll, rent, insurance, utilities, travel, advertising, depreciation

    Hope this helps you.

  3. Go do your own homework!!!

  4. Real estate holdings, Financial holdings, investments holdings, surplus cash etc are all assets.

    Liabilities include debt payments, taxations, customer liabilities etc.

    Revenue sources include revenues earned from operation, revenues from investments etc.

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