
Give info why education is Taiwan is NOT good. what are the disadvantages

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  1. - Education system is heavily geared towards passing exams.

    - Students are crammed with info which they must regurgitate for exams then forget.

    - Creativity and independent thought is sent to the back of the classroom.

    - Students become dependent on a system which teaches them exactly how to answer the next test's questions - so when any students go abroad to study, they really struggle to express opinions and independently study.  

  2. Not Good?? In What way.

    Reading from a young age is a good habit.

    Using your brain to remember things seems to be going out of fashion in the West, It is good that we still have to mug a bit for our exams.

    Bring result oriented is not a bad thing.

    Keeping your environment clean is a good thing too.

    Getting whooped - It's called discipline -With it out of the way, too many kids are unruly-some really need to be smacked once in a while.

    Students from Asia do very well in their studies when they go abroad to higher institutions because of this type of ground work.

    Today, Western countries are getting their Students to use books from Singapore-another Country that has the same system of Education.  

  3. Well, I did study there for half a year. I don't speak much chinese and my parents enrolled me in the public schools there (How dumb, my parents could at least enrolled me in the English international schools).

    I think they lack good English teachers; I swear I could've taught better English. They made so much mistakes when spelling and teaching simple words to the kids. I'm not saying all the teachers were bad, but at least the ones at my school were.

    I'm not exactly sure what your question is asking, the disadvantages comparing Western education and Taiwanese education? If so, here's my thought:

    -longer schools hours

    -forced to clean the school and classroom

    -more pressure to do well

    -you can get whooped (ya, teachers still do that)

    -it's almost like a competition, see who has the best mark. They would put the whole class on a list and post the marks for everyone to see (I think that's unfair to those who didn't do good) and hand it out to everyone

    -You might have to wear weird uniforms for school depending on which school you go.

    Also, you didn't' say what level of education. University, elementary, secondary?

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