
Give information about communication between adults involved in a pre-school??

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stuck on a few childcare questions for my course im young and dont have any children ad i am findin it very hard n e info would b appreciated.




  1. Are you talking about communication between Teachers or you talking about communication with the parents?

  2. As a nursery nurse I understand the importance of open communication between myself and other staff, and myself and parents, both although simillar, have different roles.

    Communication between myself and parent's means that I am aware of what may be going on in my "children's" lives eg if they're sleeping well, if they are behaving or testing their boundaries at home, whether there is any upheval at home - people coming to stay, pregnancy, separation.  I also find that it makes the children feel more secure as they can see that the parents and I get on and often this relationship means better continuity of care - we can work together to tackle any unwanted behaviour or to help them with any learning (potty training - I work with 1-2's)

    Communication between staff is integral to a happy work place, if no -one is talking to eachother, then everyone ends up feeling that they are always doing the ... and always doing .... whilst other staff do nothing or ..... It also helps with the children as it can ensure continuity of care ith the children especially in settings where you may have part time staff within the room - they soon learn how you treat certain situations. For othe rpurposes communication is paramount eg child abuse or if you are worried about a child's development you may be able to ork together using eachother as a sounding board, and they may have notice things you didn't.

    Hope this helps


  4. Please be more specific.  Are you talking about communication between teachers or teachers and parents?

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