
Give me 10 reasons why i should let my son buy a 32' TV in his room?

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My son has a job so he makes his own money




  1. its letting him learn about responsability

  2. well, if he is going to pay for it himself, why not. he should be rewarded for his work. But it can be a big distraction for his tudies, as if he does his homework in his room and the tv is sitting there, well what do you think his choice would be?

  3. If he didn't have a job, I would have said that you shouldn't give him one.

    But if he is using his own earned money, I think letting him purchase a tv will further encourage him to work hard for things.

  4. 1. it's a reward for him making his own money

    2. it'll give him some time to spend alone

    3. it'll give you some time alone

    4. it's his money so he should be free to spend it

    5. it won't make much of a difference to anyone

    6. he'll be grateful to you

    7. you can watch it when he's out

    8. he'll earn respect for expensive posessions

    9. it'll make him happy

    10. He'll learn stuff watching it

  5. if he can pay for it hem self then let hem

  6. Because its his money. He worked hard for it and should be able to spend it on whatever he wants. Plus a tv that big is awesome for playing video games. :)

  7. What color underware do you let him wear?

    Kids are going to do their thing...with or without your permission...or maybe your denying your childhood...

    not controlling(as long as its not a critical issue)often results in children having more respect for you...and later seeking you advise

    more often(because of the respect).

    I spent a lot of my childhood years sitting in front of a TV instead of going outside and having a life, yes I regret it,but interesting him in the real world, to the extent that he makes the choice himself, to live outside the box, and have a real life, instead of trying to control the one he now has...

    attraction !!!

    Have you ever asked him if he would like to go fishing(etc.) with you ?

  8. Well, can you really stop him? It's HIS money and all. I don't really think you have a say in the matter.

  9. im too lazy to type all those reasons so im just going to say this... i think a kid having his own tv in his room would be awesome. i had one when i was in highschool, but unfortunately, my parents had no time to set a basis of authority over me, so they couldnt make me do homework or study, and i spent all my time wathching tv. so i think, that if you think your son respects you enough to understand that when you set rules for him like 'no tv untill homework and studying is finshed', and hes willing to follow them, then yeah, a tv is not a bad idea at all.

    and i think you should let him buy it anyways for reasons people above me have stated, but also...

    it may be his tv, but youre the one paying for cable, so if he doesnt follow the rules, you have some leverage over him. just take away the cable, or video games

  10. if its his money, he should be able to buy whatever he wants.

  11. It's not the amount of reasons which matter, its the quality.

  12. let him buy the tv wen hes at school u can watch it

  13. you shouldn't, I can't even think of 1 reason why you should.

  14. 1. because you want his brain to turn to mush.

    2. because you don't want to see him anymore

    3. you want him to stay up all night watching tv and playing videos

    4. because he will have a much easier time doing homework (yeah right)

    5. because he doesn't need to learn to wait for things.

    6. because he has enough money in his bank account to go to college.

    7 because he doesn't want to go to college but he has enough money to start a business.

    8. because he doesn't need to buy a car in two years.

    9, because it would make him look really cool to his friends.

    10. so he lock himself in his room with his girlfriend and you can be a grandparent soon.

  15. 1.) He makes his own money!!! STOP HATING ON YOUR 14YR OLD SON!!!!!!!

    2.) You're not a HATER- or are you???

    3.) You're happy that at 14 he's making his own money and showing responsibility at a young age-or are you???

    4.) He's out working while other 14 year olds are on the street selling drugs or using them OR just lazy at home!

    5.) He'll maybe buy you something next time to show how greatful he is that you allowed him to buy one!

    6.) He'll probably recent you if you don't-I would.

    7.) Alow him to feel the benefits from hard work, so that he'll always want to work hard.

    8.) I would want my 10yr. old daughter to have a job at 14. Or atleast for her to have the drive for making her own money.

    9.) I have an 18 year old nephew who does'nt like to work but always expects people to give to him. Is that what you want him to be like?You should be Greatful you're son is has a job, let him enjoy the benefits!

    10.) He trully deserves it!!!

    Take a chill pill, relax and enjoy with him- BE HAPPY FOR HIM!

  16. cuz he wont get off ur back until he gets it

  17. 1. if ur sons got the moola, i say let him go for it!

    2. let him live a little

    3. he might not like u quite as much if u dont

    4.he might rebel anyways and just buy one

    5.he'll like u even MORE!

    6.dont u remember what it was like being a boy and ur parents always watched something boring?

    7.compromise so he can pay the electricity bill 12 and i bought myself a tv im perfectly happy

    9.he'll be ur bestest buddy!

    10.when he moves out, that is one less house warming gift to buy!

  18. he should be able to buy wtvr he wants as long as it wont harm him or anyone else

  19. 1. Studies have shown that exposure to TV increases the IQ of children.

    2. Knowledge of current events shown on TV news shows is essential to keep him informed about the world.

    3. News shows will help him in such courses as history, social studies, and psychology.

    4. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and the TV provides one source of entertainment.

    5. The TV will be cost effective for the family.  Instead of paying the cost at the video rental store for movies on a regular basis, he can watch TV movies and fulfill a major part of his desire for movie entertainment.

    6. A large screen is easier on his eyes.

    7. Purchasing such a major item is a good lesson in economics for your son, seeing that he is paying for it himself, and he will realize how much work is required to pay for other things in life.

    8. This purchase will teach him the value of things, and show him why that it is so important to take good care of home items.

    9. If you ever want to buy him a Game Boy or any other video game, he will already have a nice TV, with the appropriate outlets to hook it up, without further expense on your part for adapters.

    10.  This will cause your son to appreciate you more than ever as a parent, while a refusal may erect a social wall between son and parents.

  20. At least he won't be sticking his face so close to a computer monitor.

    At least he's not looking at p**n on the Internet.

    When he's out you and the Mrs. can watch DVDs.

    He can invite his friends and spend time with real kids vs. online avatars.

    He might get inspired to enter a competition like dancing, singing or some other talent competition from all those shows.

    It will make father/son bonding much easier.

    If he gets bored of it and spends more time on the Internet when he gets older, you can claim it and move it to your room.

  21. Don't do it. My sister failed high scool because our parents bought her a 47' screen. She never studied...or slept

  22. Just say "This is my house, my rules, no TV!"

    Seriously.  I can't give you 10 reasons why you should let him but I do have a suggestion. Have him wait 30 days or so before he buys the TV.  Put a mark on the calender starting today.  If in 30 days he still wants to buy it then let him buy it.  It's his money.  With waiting 30 days you can see if this is just an impulse thing or if he has really seriously thought about it.  He may find something else he wants to do with the money.

    Oh and if you do let him have the tv, make sure he follows a set of rules.  TV off by 10pm on weekdays, midnight on weekends, no p**n, etc

  23. Hes cool

    Its cool

    h**l be happy and think ur the best in the world

    He wont beg for any thing

    He wont bother you

    you wont have to buy him a more expensive one in the future

    he wont say hes bored

    he can brag to his friend what a cool parent he has

    its inexpensive

    if you wait h**l probally ask for a 40" tv so better to get it whille he wants a small one

  24. I can only think of a few of good reasons.

    1) he won't bother you in the family room

    2) he will be able to watch p**n without you looking over his shoulder

    3) he will lose that nasty habit of socializing with others

  25. 1. so he can be able to earn something

    2. it would be fair to him

    3. he would be happy

    4. it teaches  him responsibitly

    5. he learns the value of money

    6. awards him for working hard

    7. make it an incentive for doing chores or household responsibilies.

    8. He would love you forever and ever

    9. gives you something to take away from him if he gets in trouble

    10. you would be a cool mom/dad

  26. Well, not being familiar with the situation, it's hard to say.

    Is he responsible? It sounds like he is.

    Does he study successfully?

    Is he a good kid?

    Honestly, I can't think of any reason why he shouldn't have one if he earned the money, manages his money and uses his time wisely.

    You could use this as an opportunity to teach him how to manage money, balance entertainment with work, be a responsible person.

    There are positives and negatives.

  27. It's good that he has taken responsibility and earned his own money. I guess if he wants a TV that's probably ok, better than a number of other things he could do with it. Allowing him a way of getting the things he wants isn't bad at all. Personally, however I would set a few rules about time for study, keeping grades up, taking the time to be physically active, etc. You are the still the parent and it's your responsibility to help him learn the skills and habits that will make him healthy and successful in life. Too much control is bad, no control is worse.

    The biggest problem with a TV or computer in a kids room is that it becomes their biggest teacher and they don't always teach the right things.

    I would probably coax him to buy something smaller and to save and invest the rest to get other things he wants later.  Learning about delayed gratification and the big picture when it comes to money is important.

    Just my 2 cents.

  28. don't, im 13, i mean i want one, but i know I would watch family guy all night. Or play Xbox till i fall asleep

  29. kids need what they need

  30. One good reason will do !! YOU SON is not children ,and watching TV in the room, is nothing wrong. Do you have TV in you room ?

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