
Give me 5 ways to conserve our trees? 10 points to the best answer..?

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Give me 5 ways to conserve our trees? 10 points to the best answer..?




  1. Do not waste paper or buy too much notebooks no matter how cute and tempting it looks. Also if your'e gonna start passing notes or something use a smaller amount of paper. Don't use too much tissue to wipe the c**p our of your butt. Don't crumple paper and rip it out or your notebook to often and not too much doodles during class. Have a recycling box at home or at school for your papers.

  2. Here is only two,sorry bout the other 3,,=(

    1-give away trees..I gave away proably more than a hundred trees,plums and mail order trees,most are growing in my yard,i dig em up and give them to friends.

    2-Contact these people here,and ask them to help preserve land in ur area that has trees.

    ask them to help to get the ball going,,and also ask them to start making Goverment buildings more green,the taxpayers will be happy to pay for it,we do already,(regardless if we are happy or not)-solar panels,wind power,and grow more trees around goverment buildings.

    See if thery can pass a law in ur area that Makes Companies plant trees in their HOT parking lots.

    When our goverment acts like it cares then more may follow.

  3. well trees are a really important part of nature, here are some ways, they can be conserved:

    we should try and avoid deforestation.

    we should try and plant more trees.

    we should not waste paper, and recycle more paper so that less trees are cut, as paper comes from trees.

    in developing countries, where wood  is used for lighting fire for cooking and for keeping oneself warm, other methods should be proposed by the government.

    we should stand strongly against the destruction of forests, for building of new houses, for the increasing population.

  4. -Educate people so as they have environmental conscience from a low age

    -Controle of the problem of overpopulation

    -Infrastructures that support prevention of fires

    -Leave the trees alone (love them or… leave them)


  5. 1 leave them alone

    2 plant more of them

    3 cut them down and make nice furniture and keep it in the family

    4 wood stock (get it)

    5 let's all move away and leave them here

  6. *Make recycling mandatory! You should be fined if you do NOT recycle.

    *Pay attention to the products you buy:*Does it have too much packaging?*Is it made from recyclable material?* Is the entire  packaging recyclable?

    *Use cloth napkins rather than paper napkins.

    *Volunteer to plant trees, and not just on Earth Day or Arbor Day...Every day you can.

    *Don't build a home....Buy one that is already standing. There are too many homes and businesses that are torn down every day due to people wanting "NEW" homes. Many homes just need light renovation to be "Like new" again. I think it's a waste of money. We drive be vacant houses all of the time, and they just sit there and break down to nothing....It's a shame.**It's just a waste of trees and other resources to build something NEW**

  7. -Recycle everything you can: computer paper, newspaper, card etc.

    -Use washable towels instead of paper towels so you can reuse them.

    -Use recycled paper instead of ordinary.

    -Organise recycling bins at your school/home/work place.

    -Encourage your community to do so to.

  8. -Recycle everything possible to recycle

    -Plant trees where ones have been cut down

    -Make stuff out of such things as water bottles and other recyclables.

    -Use back sides of paper and write smaller



  9. Get an axe, go into your local rainforest, stand by a tree and hack the heck out of anyone who comes near with similar equipment

  10. I saw a good answer... in many Counties it is now a law or vulentary that trees are planted to replace what was cut,, and it is usually common to plant 3x as many.. So we are now keeping up and surpassing what we cut! Third World Countries are an exception at times. Earl

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