
Give me a good word?

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and what it means?




  1. Dreich (pronounced dreekh) - It's a Scots word meaning dull and grey, damp and dreary - just like the weather we are having here today!

  2. Mensch. A Hebrew or Yiddish word that means a man who is kind, well mannered and just an old around good person.  

  3. There are no bad words, only bad usage. I'll give you some synonyms for good though:

    entire, flawless, intact, perfect, sound, unblemished, unbroken, undamaged, unharmed, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, unmarred, whole

    adequate, admirable, adroit, advantageous, altruistic, angelic, auspicious, beatific, beneficent, beneficial, benevolent, blissful, cardinal, clever, commendable, competent, conscientious, crackerjack, creditable, decorous, delicious, desirable, dexterous, estimable, excellent, exemplary, expedient, favorable, guileless, humane, indulgent, laudable, meritorious, moral, nutritious, perfect, philanthropic, prime, proficient, profitable, propitious, ready, reputable, saintly, salubrious, salutary, seraphic, sterling, superlative, top-notch, vintage, virtuous, worthy

  4. persnickety:


    a. Overparticular about trivial details; fastidious.

    b. Snobbish; pretentious.

    2. Requiring strict attention to detail.

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