
Give me a many pirates would you say are left?

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  1. 378%

  2. The ninjas killed all remnants of the pirate armada!

  3. unfortunately, p****y if anything has grown.  There are probably more pirates right now then there were during the colonization of the americas. Asia, the Philippines and the Seychelles Islands are havens for current day pirates.  Well over 100%

  4. Dont know what you mean by a percentage, but (assuming you mean p****y on the high seas) is a constant, and growing problem all over the world. The International Maritime Bureau operates a p****y reporting center out of Kuala Lumpur. Check out their website and you may be surprised at how many pirate attacks there are every year -not just the high profile cruise ship attacks, but regular organized coordinated attacks on cargo ships of all sorts all over the world. Someone mentioned Somalia, and yes there are attacks off there, but look at the maps and there are many more from India through SEAsia to the Phillipines. Just google pirate attacks and then follow the links to the International Maritime Bureau, the International Chamber of Shipping, the International Chamber of Commerce Commercial Crime Services and you'll get an idea of how exensive the problem is, and the annual cost in dollars and, sadly, in lives. I used to be in international shipping and we lost one ship (a 100,00 tonner) and its entire crew (24 men) to pirates between Indonesia and Singapore back in 1992. It definitely is not the glamourous occupation some of the old movies would have you believe.  

  5. I'm not sure what you mean by percentage.  Percentage of what exactly?  Anyway, there's no way to know exactly because pirates don't typically settle down long enough to participate in a census and few live in civilized parts of the world that have censuses.  

    That said, it's my understanding that there are hundreds if not thousands.  They're not the colorful, swashbuckling pirates celebrated in Pirates of the Caribbean.  Far from it,  21st century pirates operate speed boats at high velocity to attack and board yachts and smaller commercial and pleasure craft in order to steal, rape and destroy.  They are criminals on the high seas.  They operate largely out of impoverished lands with little or no government (most notably, Somalia).  Every year or so, there's a report of a cruise ship or other vessel being attacked by modern day pirates off the Somali coast.

  6. Many, MANY.

    Their are groups of teenagers and things in the southern Phillipines who attack fisherman and boats passing by. There are also many in Indonesia, who will rob each and every boat that passes.

    I'd say there is more p****y going on in Asia. But pirates mostly congregate in most areas with really bad, or no goverment at all. Such as off the coast of Somalia, have been very brutal attacks.

    Malaysia has also been the target of p****y, though mostly believed to be pirates from neighboring countries.

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