
Give me a reason to live?

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I'm probably being a pain in the ***. I just don't know what to do. My family, friends, school... all meaningless, so not supportive. I can't find happiness. Been depressed for years and not even pills, therapy or hobbies have helped. Why should I still hang around? help, please




  1. Mercedes,

    Don't cut yourself down. Cheer up! Trials are a part of life. Without them, there is no way you can become stronger.

    Depression is something everyone deals with, some more than others, but we each react to them differently. Remember that even when it seems like no one cares and no one is supportive, God is always there for you. (I hope I'm not sounding preachy)

    There are several times when I just am lost, I try to do things on my own and I am very lonely and sometimes feel the need to give up. But DON'T! You can influence so many people. People watch you and see the way you handle situations. They are not judging you, they are cheering you on. (I am, in fact) Be strong!

    Do YOUR very best! Even if people around you, whether at home, school, or anywhere else seem to not be supporting you.

    Don't even ask that silly question!!!!! ...why should I still hang around?

    Stand tall and strong and don't let others around you make you feel depressed.

    I don't even know you, but I feel your pain. I want the Best for you!

    I'm by your side.

    And God is too!

  2. ok listen up. in your mind right now say s***w you guys i don't give a Freaking d**n what you think i have a life to live, so get your heads out of your asses and get out of my face. to the people who aren't your family that is. then focus on what you want to be when you grow up and keep working on it and then rub in their faces. because god gave you a purpose for the world you are supposed to do something you may not know now but you will just hang tight you may miss the best thing of your life


  3. U should hang around to see what the world turns out to be and most people are depressed for a reason and if you kill yourself then you will forever (and i mean FOREVER) what was bothering you so much in to doing such a rational act.

  4. To me your statement about being a pain in the a** is not that at all.

    I do not know what you are going through however I only know from my own life.  Live life for you.  Everyday is a new start.  Something right now may seem so meaning less but you would be suprised how it will effect you in the future.

    Family and friends may not be supportive because they do not know how to be.  Maybe they don't understand? Just because they may not understand does not mean they do not love you or do not care about you.  If therapy or medication does not work for you.  Then find a different therapist or different medications.  

    If you can't find happiness maybe you are looking to hard.  It may sound like a stupid statement but it can also be true.  

    Ask for help.  Dr.'s and Therapists work for you. If you don't like them.... Well...

  5. i know how you feel and i wonder why im here sometimes too. just think of anything that you do have right now whether its a dog or cat. or think into the future. things can only get better. i have a daughter and i think about her and shes my reason to live.

  6. you should go on living, what is killing your self going to serve?

    life is full of stuff and stuff to do, so much amazing things,

    if your having trouble with life just stick with it, do you like music?

    if you do then check out Forest world, Five Times August, Justice, Lo-Fi-FNK, The Scene Aesthetic, Dashboard Confessional. all of them are way good  and sould help in some way haha,

    just find some friends that are way chill and don't give up on life.

    Love: Dustin a.

  7. I know what that is like.

    I sometimes feel just like you do. It really is painful.....I can cry right now just thinking about it. I take John's wort and it doesn't help, but it's nice to think it does. =)

    I give myself a reason to live. I believe we all are unique and have potential in this lifetime no matter our circumstances. I don't want to sound stupid, but it's true.

    You may have some talents or something that is remotely special to you. I found that art and literature are my passion.

    If your current life isn't working for you, work toward the future.

    I have some weird disorder or something. I get really good grades in school, I get bullied, my family doesn't understand me, but I want to be a doctor or something like that.

    You may not be religious, but maybe you can say a prayer or something.

    I'm sorry if this sounded stupid. I really have healed myself with this philosophy. I hope you don't kill yourself or anything.....just don't. I tried to do it myself a couple of times and really won't ever try again.......anyway...........

  8. a reason to live? Twinkies, MChickens & red bulll lol


    live it up, trust WILL get over this, think about the never ever ever will know what will happen tommarow, trust me on this.

    quit being serious, love it

  9. i had a friend when i was fifteen who felt exactly the same way. he took his own life. he could never have imagined the pain he caused his family and     friends. i wish he would have said something, we all thought he was fine . im 43 now and i can tell you life is all about change. the good times are worth waiting for .

  10. Because when you get older you'll feel silly for this!! Dont be selfish, think of your family and friends...

    Plus you are no doubt over thinking everything and when you get older you'll wish you could be back to young and carefree!

    Dont be a coward doing something like killing yourself doesnt prove anything!

  11. Have you tried watermelon?

    It's summer and it’s in season !

    And it comes seedless for crying out loud!  I had to do alot more spittin' when I was your age. So go out and getcha-self a big ole

    watermelon ... put it in the fridge and make it nice and cold.

    It’s been keeping me alive.

    Thank you for calling and sharing ... and shall we take our next call please.

  12. Well you have to look deep inside your self and search your soul.  Actually that's just a bunch of BS.  If you are so stupid to not find a reason to live, then maybe you should not be alive.  Life is a gift and if you can be happy for that then you don't deserve it.  Most people would do just about anything for just a few more minutes of life and your talking about ending yours.  I will tell you why you should hang around and the reason is this ???.  I would answer it for you but only you have the answer as to why you should hang around or not.  It is said that no human should ever take a life "because it is not theres to take".

  13. Because life gets really good after 30!

    When you are out in the world taking care of yourself, calling the shots and making good choices it's amazing how fun life can be.

    When I was young (under 21) I had no idea.  I thought things would always be S****y.  Then I got a job and started taking care of myself.  From there I went back to school and was able to move into a career that gave me financial stability.  Year after year it got better, I got married, had kids, saw the world.  Now, I can't wait for 40!

    the first thing you need to do is STOP trying to find your happiness in other people.  You must be happy with yourself FIRST and the rest will fall in place.  

  14. because life is the most beautiful gift someone can get.

    you should be so happy to be here. think about it!

    i know it miht seem hard at times but if you do things that make you smile it will be fine just think about all the good things life has to offer and how many people you would be hurting by taking your own life.







  16. Hope is the one thing that keeps us all together but it sounds like u r losing that already. Don't ignore the bad stuff but rather understand it. ask urself "wat can I do to make ME better?" if no1 else is being supportive u need to look into urself and believe in urself. ignore wat people say if it bothers u keep a journal and write about how ur feeling and how it has effected u. punch a pillow if u have to. the world is not perfect and it will only get worse but the best trick the human mind has is that of adaptation to change. use it. adapt to ur surroundings.

  17. I'm not going to yell at you for wanting to throw your life away but I will tell you that it is a really dumb thing to want to do. I have no right to tell anyone to try and fight through the pain of life but you should know that you are not the only one. Life is hard, it won't get any easier, and pain is pretty much all you can really guarantee, but that is what makes life sacred. You get the opportunity to really push through all the **** that life throws at you and find something good to look forward to. No matter what happens in life you can always pull yourself back up. Try to think positive, think about what you want to accomplish, who you want to fall in love with, how many times you've passed by something really beautiful and never really took notice of it. Stop thinking of how crappy life is and work toward making it better. I hope I helped you.

  18. Just assuming that you're being a pain? Dude just don't worry about...well, anything. I used to worry about everything, and it was ruining the fun out of my life. So now I just don't worry. I get things done, I'm not like a worthless lazy kid, but I don't worry about the results. Adapt the philosophy that it will all work out.

  19. i've felt this way before too. there must be at least one thing you like in this crazy place we call life. i say, don't kill yourself, or do any harm to your body. okay, this is a really tough one. try this-

    think about something you like. anything. think about it really hard and then think of the potential you could have with it. why do you want to die anyway? is it because you hate your life and everything related? OR, is the real reason because you're so scared of what's going to happen if you try to change it? and you're not a pain in the ***. don't put yourself down like that. pills are dangerous, so, until you can get your life back in it's place, try writing your feelings down on paper. think of it as venting. that's what i do, when i hate my life. as for the non-happiness issue, try watching comedies. when your upset, the thing that really helps is being happy again. if you're alone, it's still good to laugh. i really hope i helped.  : )

  20. Well I think you have some really great answers here.  I felt like that too at one point in my life.  Around 19 years old to 24 years old.  I am assuming that you are young.  A lot of young people feel like the way you feel.  I took antidepressants, but hated the side effects.  On the outside I appeared to be so happy and wonderful, but on the inside I had so much anxiety and just felt blah.  I started going to the library to the self help section.  I found a book called "The Self-Esteem Companion"  The authors are Matthew Mckay, Patrick Fanning, Carole Honeychurch, and Catharine Sutker.  I really liked the book and ended up buying might want to look into it.  There are simple and effective exercises to might feel silly at first, but it really is effective if you stick with it and do the exercises. I'm 33 yrs old and I still keep it in my dresser..although I don't really need it anymore.  With time, you will get better I promise.  The thing is I don't think you are trying to get better.  You really have to try really hard and reach deep inside of you and find something that drives you and do it.  Also exercise....VERY important.  I wish you the will find happiness if you reach within yourself and not worry about the other people around you.

    UPDATE...I just read the back of the book and thought I type it to give you an idea..."Positive self-esteem is cruicial to a happy, fulfilling life.  How we feel about ourselves affects virtually every aspect of our lives, from the way we function at work, in love, in s*x, to the way we parent, to what we strive to achieve.  You'll learn how to

    Break free from negative self-concepts and self-defeating behavior

    Deal with mistakes and criticism

    Gain self-acceptance and a sence of competence and belonging

    Understand and overcome your limitations from the past

    Feel more self-confident in personal and professional relationships

    Bertt575 has some excellent points.  Sometimes you just need a little kick in the a**.  My fiance that I met years ago basically put it to me straight and said I was being extremely selfish and willowed in my self pity and boo hoo violins playing.  HIm talking like that helped me alot to realize just how selfish I was.  Trust me, when you are older you will realize how silly you were acting, even though I'm sure it is very real to you now.

  21. Sounds like you need to go to the dr. and

    get some anti depressants, it will change your

    life. You have so much to live for! Get on your

    your knees and ask for God to help you and he

    will. You need to talk to someone about how you

    feel and go to th dr. God and Jesus ar always

    there for you :) Things will get better.

  22. Yesterday I felt the way you are feeling now. Emotions and feelings are like roller coasters. Up and Down. Just know that you are special,loved,and wanted. Just don't give up. You have so many better days to come. Never know what tomorrow might bring. Maybe happiness. Just wait and see.!! If you have anything to discuss just email me if you want.

  23. By killing yourself you hurt all those around you, maybe you think you dont have a reason to live and dying wont change your life, but it will change all of your family and friends, it could possibly ruin your siblings lives and your friends and family's lives.  It sounds stupid when you say it but suicide is a very selfish thing to do,

  24. I think maybe you haven't found the thing in life that makes you happy . Everyone Has a reason to live it is only for you to answer that question

    If you have a dream i think you should do everything you can to reach it and that will make you happy .But you deserve to live everyone does.

    Daijahhhh :)

  25. Because of hope.  You are alive, free, and in control of your life.  You can do whatever you want.  You will make it through, and you are not alone.  You will get better.  Come on, give us a smile, I bet it's beautiful.

  26. I'm sorry you feel that way. Honey you have to be strong for yourself atleast. It was not promised that life will be perfect, smooth and unblemished. But believe me if you hang on and have faith that life will get better, it will. Someday you will look at this phase in your life as the phase which made you the bravest and strongest version of you.

    Do your love ones know you're feeling this way? if not, try talking to them tell them its their indifference thats hurting you the most

    Check on this one:

    Hope this helps

  27. This might be a bit hard to either get it or you don't.

    A lot of people have it worse than you, such as a homeless person on the street.  Everybody sees through their own eyes (<-- the weird part) and if you kill yourself, there's nothing to prevent you from seeing through another person's eyes...either for better or for worse.  You could, in a way, end up seeing through a homeless guy's eyes (although it won't really be you, that person is still alive and will still be suffering much worse than you are right now).  The only way to really not be seeing through another person's eyes is to just keep living your's.

    Anyways, you're still young (I assumed, since you're in school) and maybe your life will get better down the road...  Oh yeah..also, you should enjoy it if you are still in high school because the stuff people say about college being the best time of your life is BS.  If you're in college/university right now, then sorry...but after that your life should get better.

  28. There is purpose in life, its not for nothing. I can look back and see things I couldn't see at the time. Purpose drives one to get up in the morning. I hope to leave the world a better place than when I found it. I'm common in every way, nothing outstanding about me. There are people I care about. If I give up, they might give up, and they have a lot to look forward to. I would hate to not keep going, and for them to see me keep going. This is love, to lay down your life for your friends. It's much harder to lay down your life daily, than it is to lay down your life once. I guarantee you, someone is watching and will be influenced by the things you do or don't do. Is it worth it? I believe so.

  29. ur kiddin right, gosh, GET A LIFE GIRL!!!   look u have friends so just tell them that ur depressed and that ..... i donno but no affence ur a complete idiot 2 ask that question online. there r loads of reasons 2 live, look 4 more friends b positive about things find a nice guy, 4 god's sake GET A LIFE!!! go out more often!!!

  30. God is your reason to live. He is the only one who can be supportive when others are not. Pray to him that he will show you your purpose in life. God bless you, you have a beautiful soul, even if no one else can see it but you.

  31. i was d epressed a long time too but the only way out was other people. think of it this way if you kill your self your going to ruin peoples nights

    *the corener will have to take you instead of being able to go to thier family

    *your family will be depressed.

    *they'll have to clean your stuff up.


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