
Give me example of obeservation of child in nursery?

by Guest56432  |  earlier

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what they do there progress




  1. The study of John by Robertson and Robertson in '69

    Basically, John aged 17 months was put into daycare for 9 days because his mum was in hospital having a baby, the psycologists put a camera on him to study him.

    Day 1: tried to attach to a nursery nurse and protested when she left

    Day 2: Still tried to attach to nurses, was very quiet, his dad came and he got very upset when he left

    Days 3-5: Became distressed, stood sadly in corner, cried a lot, still tried to attached but mainly played by himself

    Attached to a teddy, cried lots, wriggled hands, rolled about

    Day6: father visited, John smacked and pinched him. then became happy  but then gave angry look when he left without him. sat alone clutching blanket

    Day 7-8. In dispair, didnt play or eat, didnt respond, lied on teddy.

    Day9- mother came to take him home, he wouldnt sit on her lap, went to the examiner insted (as she'd been there the whole time but haddn't, got passed back to mother and he just lay quietly on lap, when father arived he went to him and gave his mum "a long, hard look" which he never did before.

    This showed what happens when bonds ar broken and when child suffers deprivation.

    This study made laws in nursarys change so children get more attention but this kind f thing does happen still.

    I worked in a nursery tho, which according to ofsted isn't good, and one of the children were like this

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