
Give me one example of something President Bush lied about.?

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There are a lot of people on here trashing Bush for a long time now, and calling him a liar. I challenge you to give me an example of any lie you say he committed, and prove it with something credible like a link to a transcript, or a video etc. with him telling the lie.




  1. thats easy all you have to do to tell if a politiction is lying is to watch for when there mouth opens

  2. Iraq..We all can supply links,and I can supply many but your question is such,as I know your too far into Bushism( LIKE COMMUNIST INTO STALINISM) that it wouln't matter..!

  3. how about the fact thats hes a recovered alcoholic? search "bush drunk speech" you'll see what i mean

  4. You're obviously so far up his posterior, that it wouldn't matter WHAT we showed you.

  5. haha

  6. The presence of biological & chemical weapons in Iraq, death toll of American soldiers in Afghanistan & Iraq. Lots of more stuff...

    Just see it on YouTube. It's all there!

  7. Are you serious? Do your research, it isn't difficult.

    Just go to and type in 'bush lies'.

    Did you get this idea from the news? We all know they have so much integrity and care so much about the United States.

    Supporting your favorite president and shunning trash talkers is one thing, but failing to do your research and shunning legitimate issues is another, and its the result of fascism. Do your research, it isn't anti-american, get over it.

  8. "Mission Accomplished" statements


    There's plenty more where that came from.  Just go to Youtube and type in "Bush Lie".  You'll get several examples including one where he lies about seeing the first plane crash into the WTC on 9/11.

  9. During his Nov. 8 press conference in 2006, Bush admitted that he lied to reporters when he told them a week before the midterm elections that Donald Rumsfeld would stay on through the end of Bush's second term.

    In fact, Bush had already made the decision to replace Rumsfeld when he was talking to those reporters.

  10. Just last week he was publically  thanking people who had worked on the GI Bill and included McCain ! McCain was against that bill and fought against it !

    Bushes biggest lie was what  he told the American people why we were going to war !

  11. WMD

    source:  any newspaper, magazine, radio, or television program.

  12. Golden apparently doesn't know what Sarin and 550 tons of yellowcake uranium are.

    Keep an eye on Syria for where the good stuff ended up.

  13. You didn't really think you were going to get liberals to think rationally about this did you? As I read the answers from them all they do is continue posting the retoric, and to quote u tube as a source, LOL. These people care more about putting a Dem in the white house then they do about the safety of you, your children, and the world. And will do anything or say anything to have their needs met, including committing acts of sedition.

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