
Give me one reason why we are still in irag?

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there is a no win situation unless we drop the BIG bomb on the whole country.But this seem to be a kill off the AMERICANS AND WE PLAY COWBOYS AND SPEND ALOT OF FOOLISH MONEY while the USA goes to h**l.




  1. irag?

  2. because we're stuck. if we stay we're evil and if we leave we are worse because we abandoned them to suffer from the killing that will never stop.

  3. i agree we cant fix our own country thanks to bush but we keep spending money on another country that doesn't seem to be improving or wants to i feel sorry for the people that want to change but for the most part with there religonand all the things that come with that i say get out of Iraq and lets fix our own country fistwe cant help our own homeless people or any body who needs help here but we can spend billions of dollars for someone else in another country don't get it either

  4. to establish military bases, and so the contractors keep making money, and oil. terrorism is just a excuse so they will have support from the rest.

    "Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is a force, like fire: a dangerous servant and a terrible master". - George Washington

  5. Oil.  Or would you prefer to walk.

  6. i guess your country has not managed to steal all of their oil yet. the people managing the war are complete nincompoops. i would not do any better, but would not try either. then there is israel, there is pressure to keep that state safe. in my opinion. withdraw and let them fight it out themselves. the roots of this war is interference from britain, france, the soviet union and the united states. it would be nice if america would go home and stop interfering.

  7. Thousands of people here in the UK have asked and are still asking why We, are there.

  8. Because there are 2 kinds of people in the world....Us, and those that want to kill Us. In Iraq, there was a concentration of the latter, most are enjoying death with their heavenly virgins, while some are still scurrying in the sewers like the vermin they are...but we'll get them. Like any other infection, you must kill every last bug...

  9. just look at the current price of gas at the pumps. you don't really believe God told Bush to invade Iraq in a dream do you???? he's as whacked as Hillary and Cheney is going to keep us in Iraq one way or the other to keep Haliburton making him money.

  10. When you say that the oil for USA is a reason that is mean  you are not human! all this killing to drive a car and get more energy? what is the different between you and the animals.

    Americans you must change yourselves by yourselves, the history of the world tells that unless you change yourselves a force will changes you

  11. We are still in Iraq because the United States Government, specifically the Diplomatic Corps, is not doing its job.  They should be in Iraq assisting the Iraqi government in stabilizing itself.  The Military can not do it alone.

  12. UH because we need to be there, or else all of our loved ones whom have died or lost body parts, it will have all been in vain! If someone like you gets in office it is clear that they will have lost their lives and limbs for absolutely nothing we need to be there until it is finished or we are going to be in worse trouble than any of us realize!

  13. Hi clydesda...

    you ask this question because you are out of the game .

    I give the main reason of the resolution makers.

    - they  have not reach there  goal of the war yet.

    I believe there are 2 reasons for the war 1 the crude oil 2 political ..

  14. Luke 21.22-24

    Luke 24.44-45,47-49

    Revealation 16.14

    What do you think?

  15. How embarrassingly uneducated.

  16. It's because we are always " wrong " in most of our decision, even in spelling of IRAQ!

  17. When the US invaded Iraq, it was for reasons other than al Queda, but now because of US in there, al Queda is a problem in Iraq.  If the US leaves, without resolving that problem, they will use that as a propaganda victory claiming that they defeated the US in Iraq and use it to do a massive recruitment campaign to make their threat against our interests much greater.

    Now I believe that winning this war is not exclusively a military effort.  There must also be cutting off the funding for the enemy, and cutting off the propaganda that leads to more people being recruited to their cause.  I don't see much evidence of progress there.

  18. Because even the liberal news organizations say the surge is working.

  19. Lack of foresight.

  20. being in the military or having  family in the military does not make anyone an expert on war or politics...I can tell that the idiots who have responded to this question are only the children of bush lovers and don't know squat about squat.

    you people! the real question isn't why we we are still there, it's why did we let that dictator G bush put us there!! and neither the asker or some of you others have said anything intelligent like the fact that dropping bombs would kill and maim too many more innocent people! or is that too liberal of a concept for you?

  21. When you makes a mess it's your responciblity to clean it up.

    We can't just walk away.

    Dropping a bomb on the whole country would be like burning an entire house down to get rid of a few flies.More pressure on the new Iraqi government to become independant & getting their military & police to get control of the rouge forces is what has to be accomplished.

    Achieving full peace isn't a reasonable goal,but restoring order to a point where the Iraqi government can take over the reigns is.

    Now,as for those people that say the war was or is all about oil.If it was then why aren't we getting any of it?

    Oh & I was in the Army so I want to see those men & women come home A.S.A.P.

    I have all the respect for them in the world!!!

  22. Because the job isn't done, and even though some of us want to quit, the majority in Congress doesn't agree.

  23. If the oil is not enough for you??? Its a very efficient way for the ppl in power in this country to laundry tax payers money in to profit for them, there business, there friends business and so on. War = big bucks and many excuses to make more ways top make more bucks ;) To be hones if i could cause something that will make some dumb asses put money in my pockets willingly i probably do it too.

    I got out of the Army i was tired of feeling like a puppet.

    I saw this wind  up toy of a soldier jerking off in or something like that. Thats what we feel we are doing in Iraq, no more no  less. Getting killed. Loosing some of the best men this country has bread. Where is the count right now like 4000 +. For a good cause my ***!!!

  24. u r not interested in rebuilding iraq. u r there for the oil only. how can u justify killing innocent people just because they stare at u or glare at u?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u people r real crazy and it is better u get out of iraq fast, real fast.act now, tell ur people and make ur government listen to ur voice.

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