
Give me pointers for SAT. [exam]?

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  1. get a good night's sleep, and eat breakfast before you go

    use a study guide or take sample test online to prepare

    dont be stressed, you can take it again after the first time to improve your score.  It will cost you again, of course, but the higher score will be the one that is counted for scholarships and college admittance

  2. Try the following links for professional help:

    Counseling & Guidance Department - SAT/ACT College Entrance Exams

    Churchill County High School > Departments > SAT/ACT College Entrance Exams ... The writing portion of the test is optional for the ACT exam at this time. ... -

    Guidance Resources

    Tour the School " Guidance " ACT/SAT Info. ACT / SAT Exams ... The practice test for the SAT, called the PSAT, and the practice test for the ...

  3. Get a great night's sleep and eat a good breakfast. Don't forget the dinner before is important as well.

    Don't try to cram things in the night before.  It's a proven fact that if you take the time to study each day rather than cram, you will remember more. Sleep is more important than cramming.

    Take many practice tests so you don't get nervous taking the test. There are many resources available on the internet, such as, sparknotes. They have great stuff to help you. Also, try to read a little everyday. It definitely helps on your critical reading part. Check out for more tips on how to prepare.

    Don't answer EVERY question.  Guessing is not on your side. It is for the ACT, not the SAT. Answer only the questions you're most sure of. If you're not sure, leave it blank and come back to it later if you have extra time and see if you can rule out anything and answer it only if you're sure.

  4. okay, i've been through it this year.. all you need to do is relax and not cram everything in a once... if it's soon then you should work out a time table to study and take breaks every 15 mins otherwise you get distracted... try actities instead of just sitting there reading.

    you also need to get a good nights sleep which i know can be hard with SATs coming up.

    have a good decent breakfast before the exam and bring a snack( banana will be good or some fruit vitimins) for in between the exams.

    try to make sure you take your vitims and omega thats helps.

    otherwise relax.

    when you come to the actual exam take a moment to look for a question that you can answer with confidence that will relax you and allow you not to pannick.

    good luck!!!

  5. all i can tell you is to try your best and make sure you study alot if you dont like studing alone then do what i do and have a study party were you study for an hour with a group of friends and then you finish the night off with a party.

  6. Follow all of the points listed here; in addition:

    My tip for you is for the writing portion: Begin all essays explaining how the question is COMPLEX. This way, you can pursue multiple sides or opinions without "straying" and you can make each point a different one, easy!

    Thesis:Say the question is "complex"

    Body: 3 or 4 different ideas

    Conclusion: Support your favorite idea with an experience^^

    You wont even need luck with this strategy!! XD

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