
Give me some details about vellayani lake in trivandrum.?

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The most polluted areas of the lake,present state of the lake etc.serious genuine responses please




  1. biggest fresh water lake in the district is in the suburbs of the city. ...

  2. Vellayani Lake

    Located 7-km from Kovalam via Poonkulam junction. The 750-hectre giant lake is a freshwater lake, one of the two in Kerala. The other one is in Sasthamkotta in Kollam district. A road passes through this lake, a rare sight. This lake attracts many people. Once in Kovalam, a visitor should not allow to miss the opportunity of seeing this wonder lake of freshwater. Its crystal-clear calm water, especially during moonlit nights, is a craze for the minds. The locals say a side of the lake is Kochu Kovalam, meaning tiny Kovalam.

    There is a boat race in the lake during Onam which attracts huge crow. Country boat is available from Kovalam beach to reach the lake. The charge is Rs 500.

    300-acre campus of Government Agricultural College is nearby. The main building of the College was built by the erstwhile Travancore royal family as their summer palace.

    There is a Devi temple 300-m away from the lake. A festival called Vellayani Mahotsav is celebrated in the temple once in every three years. The festival prolongs to 54 days. The next festival is due in 2008

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    The bacteriological and chemical examination of the water samples from Vellayani Lake have revealed that while the level of minerals and salts in the water is within permissible limits, the level of faecal coliform and other bacteria is on the higher side.

    The samples of water were collected by the Group Endeavour for Environment and Nature Sustenance (Greens), the Nature lovers' club in the Government Secretariat, from five places on March 14 and tested in the laboratory of the Department of Ground Water.

    The samples were taken from the reservoir, Palappuru, Kulangara opposite Agricultural College, from the area between Kakkamoola-Poonkulam road and Vauvamoola-Muttakkad bund road, and from the south of Vauvamoola-Muttakkad road.

    Bacteriological test

    The bacteriological examination revealed that the total coliform content was found to be above the desirable and permissible level in the water samples. While the desirable and permissible limit of pH is in the range of 6.5-8.5, it was 7.3 each in the sample from the reservoir and Palappuru, 8 in Kulangara, 7.7 in Kakkamoola and 7.1 in Vauvamoola.

    The desirable limit of total dissolved solids is 500 (ppm) mg/litre and permissible limit is 2000 (ppm) mg/litre. However, it was found to be 62.1 in the reservoir, 62 in Palappuru, 60 in Kulangara, 58 in Kakkamoola and 59 in Vauvamoola.

    The desirable limit of total hardness is 300 mg/litre and permissible limit is 600 mg/litre. The tests showed that it was 63 in the reservoir, 75.6 in the Palappuru, 81.9 in Kulangara, 63 in Kakkamoola and 81.9 in Vauvamoola. According to Greens, the waste dumped into the lake from the locality have resulted in the alarming situation.

    Besides, the freshwater lake gets polluted from the pesticides and fertilisers that are used by farmers. The Greens organised a discussion on the topic, "Protection of Vellayani lake-Social and Environment problems" on the occasion of World Water Day today.

    Resolution passed

    A resolution was passed to the effect that the Government should declare Vellayani Lake and adjacent areas protected areas and acquire the puncha fields around the lake as per the existing revenue records.

    Another resolution urged the Government to entrust the watershed management for the lake, adjacent municipal and panchayat areas to Agricultural College and to implement it with the support of local bodies and voluntary agencies.

    Earlier, the Minister for Water Resources, Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, inaugurated the discussion. The Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Environment, George J. Mathew, MLA, was the chief guest. A.S.K. Nair was the moderator. The Greens president, Subash John Mathew, and the Secretary, P.R. Sreekumar attended.

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