
Give me some good small slogans on air?

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Give me some good small slogans on air?




  1. plz report me i want to delete my accunt

  2. Air is everywhere

  3. I don't understand what you are asking for.  Do you want quotations about air?

  4. “Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air…”

    clean air - good for life

    don't pollute the air I breathe

  5. I "think " he is looking for "radio hooks ", to be used by a radio host. Hooks are short lines that join parts of the show, to one another.


    It's 7 15 and sunny here in the big city. Now lets take a look at the weather for this weekend...........

    At the top of the hour John Terieny will be reporting the news.

    OK thats it for today, see you  again tomorrow at 6 am  on the ---------- show.

    For the most up to date news and  great talk radio, listen to AM  900  here in Dayton.

    Its  a great day for talk radio

    Jim B. Toronto.

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