
Give me some tips?

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What are some good old fashion ways to get rid of colds?




  1. there are only medicines and remedies to ease the symptoms of colds, if there was a cure for them, someone would make themselves very rich lol.

  2. neozep or decolge, and lots of water and complete bed rest..

    most effecetive

  3. Vitamin C and zinc! I had the beginnings of a cold last weekend and I began taking 500mg of vitamin c every 3 hours. I took 25mg of zinc before bed and my cold went away in 24 hrs.

  4. Vit. C at least 1000mg daily.

    Lavender and Eucalyptus essential oils in a luke warm bath.

    sit in bath for 10 mins. max. Also a cool compress with these oils is great for a cold.

    I use this when ever someone in my family gets sick with a cold or the flu.

    Good Luck Kiddo!
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