
Give me ten cool facts about spain?

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i need ten facts about spain




  1. 1.  They don't call their national language "Spanish" (español): it's "castellano."

    2.  In the north, the País Vasco is kind of like Quebec in Canada: they speak a different language, and want to separate, but won't.

    3.  In the Basque Country (País Vasco), they speak Basque (Euskera).

    4.  Madrid is the capital.

    5.  There is a famous acqueduct in Segovia.

    6.  The national hero is El Cid.

    7.  The flag is red and gold stripes (red, gold, red) with the royal crest of all the areas in the gold stripe.

    8.  They speak castellano, euskera, catalán, and galiciano.  Gascón is spoken in the Valley of Arán and in the Catalonian Pyrenees.

    9.  La Alhambra is a palace in Granada.

    10.  From 711-1492, Spain was under moorish rule; thus, they have much Arab influence nowadays.

  2. 1.There are several languages spoken in Spain: Castilian Spanish (official) 74%, Catalan 17%, Galician 7%, and Basque 2%.

    2. In June there is the San Fermines (Pamplona). The running of the bulls through the streets of Pamplona (Navarra). A week of nonstop wine, merrymaking and bravado.

    3. Our religion is Roman Catholicism.

    4. Wonderful climates.

    5.Spain was the only Western European nation to be conquered and controlled by Muslims.

    6. Famous for our textiles & apparel, food & beverages, metals, chemicals, shipbuilding, and above all tourism.

    7. The people: Spaniards, but Catalans and Basques have more of a fierce independent spirit.

    8. Shares the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal.

    9. In towns throughout the country the Kings arrive by car or by camel in parades the night of January 5th.

    10. Visit Vilanova i la Geltrú, my hometown. Its absolutely BEAUTIFUL.

  3. Spain is the second highest country in Europe after Switzerland.

    The highest mountain, Teide, is not in Europe but in Tenerife.

    Spain was a fascist dictatorship only about 12 years ago. (look up Francisco Franco).

    Spain is the only country in Europe that produces bananas. The Canary Islands.

    The Canary islands is named after the dogs, not the birds.

    In the Catalan language, 'pet' means 'to break wind'

    So the Pet Shops always cause a laugh.

    Vilanova is not as beautiful as Sitges. It does have a railway museum and a beach and some good eating places.

    In the year when the US built its first steam locomotive and Brunel built the Menai suspension bridge, the Spanish Inquisition killed its last victim. ( A guy called Pont in Valencia, if I remember correctly).

    Sorry I' got bored!

  4. General Sir John Moore, born in Glasgow,Scotland, fought Napoleon at the Battle of Coruna. He was fatally wonded and was buried in the ramparts of the town. Coruna is in Galicia in the very north of Spain.

    Madrid is the highest Capital city in Europe.

    In the province of Granada in Andalucia, lots of people live in cave houses.

    Hope those help.

  5. The Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona has been under construction for more than a hundred years and is still not completed. But even in its unfinished state is regarded as one of the worlds great buildings

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