
Give me the first 10 orbits with their distance from earth???

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with their distance KM




  1. your question was not very clear,,,

  2. Sorry, this can't be answered. Which orbits do you mean? There are infinite orbits even just around Earth alone and  they are not numbered. You can also not tell the  distance to Earth, because this distance is not constant - it depends on the point of the orbit you mean.

    You even have an infinite number of orbits available just for getting to moon or mars.

    Instead of numbering the possible orbits they are grouped by function, shape and zone, for example geostationary transfer orbits, high-elliptical orbits or the low earth orbits.

    Outside Earth, in the solar system, you have the same problem - a infinite number of possible orbits, which are usually just grouped by zones and shapes, the most important way to group them is by resonances with the planets. For example Earths orbit is in a rough 1:2 resonance with Mars, meaning that Earth does about two orbits for each mars orbit.

    These resonances are also important for explaining why some places have little objects orbiting there - for example the Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt, where the resonances with Jupiter change the orbits of the small objects so that they leave these gaps.  

  3. Orbits of what?

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