
Give me the list of 100 best jobs/careers for shy people?

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i have heard about the book, 100 best jobs..., but i have not seen it yet. if you know of some of those jobs for shy/intreverted people, please share with me. even if you have not read the book, give me your ideas. i have customer service and sales backgrounds. i can use a computer and microsoft word. i can learn most anything but i won't go back to college. trade school or certificate program is okay.




  1. I was going to say a career as an accountant - but then read where you wont go back to college - so that's out.  Maybe something like data entry, working on taxes for people (there's courses you can take for this and probably certifications),  medical billing, medical transcription also come to mind - basically not working alot directly with people.

  2. Work in the count room of a dealing with public at all...and hardly any co-worker interaction...if you're into that sorta thing.

  3. work in a library putting books on the shelves or be a taxi driver NYC. very little speaking required

  4. Hey, hey, hey!

    I am a shy person, and I was endlessly looking for a job that requires little to no contact, but do you know what they call a job like that? "Cushy!"

    Those "cushy" jobs are hard to obtain.

    I'm a pharmacy technician now. I'm shyer than shy. I'm 26 and have never been on a date, and I love women. You can see how much this has altered my life.

    I'm here to tell you now that you need to do a few things you are uncomfortable with. As the posterchild of shyness I can say that an element of shyness is laziness, or the lack of energy to put up with discomfort. Without risk, there is no reward. Of course, the reward sometimes doesn't seem worth the anguish!

    I've had my job for 5 years. I didn't have to interview (thank God).

    "A random action brings about a random outcome." In other words, if you try something new, new results are inevitable.

    When I was 24, one night I decided I was going to go through the drive-thru at McD's, for the first time. I was craving for fries, and I always had to wait until my mom would get some for me (if I were visiting and she was out and about). Well, I went, and it was excruciating... I kept it up, and slowly it got easier. At first I kept tabs of how many times I had done that. Inevitably, a change came about in my life. The change is always proportionate to the effort put forth. It wasn't anything huge, just a change (the girl working the drive-thru talked to me).

    Even if you can identify a job that requires little or no human contact, all of the things you have to do to get it require MUCH human contact, such as filling out apps, interviews, talking to the person who trains you, meeting the staff, etc. It is a long road for us shy people, but in the end all of that fear is just unwillingness to put up with discomfort, which can hold you down for a lifetime. I'm 26 and have never had a romantic relationship, but I have squared the other things away.

  5. The best thing you can do is force yourself out there. I was the shyest person ever! barely spoke a word as a teen. It was very difficult when i became a waitress, but it forced me outside of myself. But over the years I went from being painfully shy to outgoing...basically you 'fake it til you make it'. I was kind of an actress for a while and still am at times, but i'm seen as very outgoing and since my job is to walk up to total strangers and talk to helped me 100%! So i say, try a job where you are in the public! You arent sentenced to a life of shyness, many of us come out of our shells. I'm still a shy person deep down, but I'm so glad this fear got conquered!!

    Sorry...i know you weren't asking for advice on how to overcome shyness, so ignore me if you want :P

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