
Give me the lowdown on the Georgian-Russian war...

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Keep it as simple as possible... as in whats it about, who started it..etc.


-How far could it go?

-What other countries might get involved?

-Could it lead to World War III?





  2.   Georgia tried to take some disputed area which everyone in the world knows it is Georgia but Russia claims,  so Russia is using it as an excuse to attack them and take over so they can not join NATO and so they can control a very valuable place in the transport of oil.

      It could go pretty far and more countries could get involved and a World War 3 is possible, but I doubt it could happen because one side would back down without a doubt. Hope this helped, Good Luck, God Bless, and Have a Good Day.

  3. Why your own tv channels are so unfair bullshiting your about last actions in Georgia.

    I watched CNN, NBC ,BBC and Deutsche Welle - everywhere is bullshit.

    Georgia has attacked first on 8 of august and georgian troops have killed more than 2000 civil Osetian people.

    I switched on CNN: “ Russia invades in Georgia”

    Russian troops are saving civil people, Russia is not invader.

    I know that russian media are very often unfair also,but i believe my neighbour whose relatives called from there telling him that all what we see in russian chanells is true.

    Why your mass media are bullshiting your so hard?

    Why your army helps georgians killing civil people, equpping them with weapon?

    Why US hates Russia so much?

    Please, dont be a vegetable send it forward let people in know truth.

    Dont forget about nuces,do you need 9/11 at each single town in U.S?

  4. GWB is very bussy

  5. when soviet uniod crushed and georgia became indipendent russia tried to make some ,,bombs" in the country.... he started war in two regions.... in abkhazia and south ossetia (or samachablo).... all georgian citizens were pulled out from the region....  then as georgia was small and young country civilised countries leave it alone and russia made georgia to let the russian to be "peacekeepers" in that region.... in reality they were conquereres in the sovereighn country.... georgia became prowestern and proamarican country and timebytime close NATO but russia drew into new conflict... and now georgia is close to new anexion after 1921 when soviet union army take Tbilisi....

  6. The Russians have been trying to steal a Georgian province called South Ossetia by pumping it full of Russian citizens. Georgia deployed troops to protect themselves and the Russians decided to try and take over all of Georgia.

    They also want Georgia out of the picture because it is close to joining NATO and that would make Putin wet his pants.

    To Dmitry:  Russia doesn't give a c**p about the people.  They want Georgia's oil pipelines.  CNN is also a MUCH more reliable news source than Russian state-controlled news sources.

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