
Give me the name of company which is working as MLM ?

by Guest31824  |  earlier

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Give me the name of company which is working as MLM ?




  1. well, is MLM what you looking for ? or are you seeking good result?

    cause I have been in MLM for 6 years and never make it, MLM is not for everyone ,time has changed and required alot of heavy sponsoring and luck to hit the target

    I found this company which is not an MLM but after 6 years of failure this one gave me success in one month

    I will leave a link below for your references

  2. MLM success comes when you have these essential 4 things taken care of.

    1. My MLM Prospecting: I use SiteBuildIt to create my websites. There is nothing better.

    2. For getting MLM Referrals: An online/offline support tool for getting referrals for network marketers. This suits people from all companies. You also need to effectively follow-up with customers, prospects and distributors. And the most effective (and efficient) follow-up method for ANY business (but particularly MLM) is sending postcards and greeting cards. This one thing does it all. Need proof? - Take a free trial and you will see what I mean.

    3. My Online Follow-up: Online follow up and the sequencing of timely reminders to stay on top of your relationship building strategies is handled by Oprius. You can take a free trial of this system here.

    4. MLM Training: All handled in the Renegade Network Marketer. Don’t attempt modern day InterNet-work MARKETING without this essential training.

    All sown up in a neat bundle, and for my new downlines struggling with the prospecting aspect, we have plenty of qualified leads for them to get started on, because we know what we are doing. Does your upline know how to train and support you? The best time to begin learning to do your prospecting is when you have already got a healthy cash flow and the pressure is off.

  3. It depends...what do you mean by "working".  Are you talking about the company making a profit, the distributors making a profit or something else?  What products are you looking to sell?  If you are trying to seek out a company that you can succeed in, I suggest looking for a product that you enjoy, and are interested in, that way you can sell a product that you are passionate about (and that passion will show through in your presentations and help to "close the deal".

    For a list of companies, I would visit here:

    And for information on how to get involved in MLM/Direct Selling visit here:

  4. Herbalife, Nu Skin, Amway

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