
Give me three examples of how men and women can learn to make a good team in the work place or at home?

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If I had a daughter I would send her to a all girls school and college.I think there needs to be tougher laws on s*x bandits and laws to make for a fairer divorce system.


No FEminazis or male sexist pigs please.

Thanks for your consideration.




  1. Do you really think an all girls school will protect her from the world...there are hateful women too.  Putting a child in a bubble sounds like a good idea, but it is not practical to raise a well rounded adult.

    At any rate I think the three things would be:

    --respect one another

    --listen to one another

    --help out equally

  2. Basically.. your daughter will follow the examples you set from her.. (to a certain extent)...

    the whole situation is based on trust.. if you try and keep her from guys, it will just make things worse when she grows up...

    i agree that there is a major problem with s*x predation etc..

    but there is only so much we can do as a society..

    it's pretty much always down to the parents.. if i teach my son to respect women as i have my entire life.. there is no reason he should grow up to think any different.. therefor if you teach your daughter the same morals.. there is no reason why she would involve herself in these situations..

    no that being said.. sometimes things happen that are beyond our control.. but we just have to do the best we can as parents..

    As for three examples..

    They're everywhere.. weather it's two people coming together to solve a common goal, or one person asking the opinion of another.. (male to female) i know that without the opinions of my female society, i would not be the man i am today..

    (by the way..i'm not a dad.. i'm 18.. but my parents brought me up right)

  3. I had (have) 2 daughters, both went to public schools.  While private schools may protect them in certain areas, it does nothing to teach them to socialize and learn about the "real" world.  It's your job to teach them that those preditors are out there, how to recognize them and what to do if they are approached.  Don't stuck your head under the sand and expect it to go away just because you send your girls to a private school.  

    Fair divorce system... let's see, it sounds perhaps you have more issues than you think.  In a number of cases, the man usually gets the shaft and this is coming from a woman whose seen a number of cases in the court system where the man is left with almost nothing to live on.  

  4. To be a good team:

    Both need to share the same goal and follow the rules

    The physically stronger will do the heavier work.

    The emotionally stronger will support the weaker partner.

    This woman will read the instructions while her husband builds the entertainment center

    Both will spend time reseraching purchases or changes that will affect the family and discuss the pros and cons before deciding.

  5. Three examples:

    Respect each others abilities and don't butt in where you are not needed.


    Leave all biases at the door.

    As far as all girls schools are concerned, I'd hardly think that it would offer any more protection from the threats in a mixed gender school. Girls can be just about as malicious as boys, perhaps worse.

    Tougher laws do need to be upheld against s*x offenders. Though I can't say what to do with them just yet.

    The dicorce system is completly biased.and ludicrous, especially with all the priveleges that are given to women with this system. Particularly alimony. Women supposedly are equal to and independant of men in our current society, why don't they just let them get back on their own feet after a divorce then?

  6. 1) respect on all levels..every one has something worth while to give/say

    2) kindness..when doubt choose kindness

    3) shared responsiblity/ communication..listening/hearing as well as talking

  7. keep s*x in mind !  

  8. you think the feminazis and male sexist arent coming. they fight stronger when you tell them no.

    sending your daughter to an all girl school and college might make you feel safer but it would also contribute to her being exteremely naive if ever in situation with a guy. when i no longer attended my predominantly black religious academy as a child i was so shocked at the different secnery.

    your three examples

    -women should stop thinking of all men as dogs, a lady doest havent to make a big scene everytime some man looks at her "funny"

    -respect eachother calling, if a man is a neat freak but his wife feels more called to her career, then its his calling for him to clean and hers to go out

    -in marital relationships you would have to sit down and talk about your needs. the myth that men and women have the same sexual desires is against all human experience and the need to be talked about. this might involve sacrifice, both sides needs to realize they cant have everything they want right when they want it

  9. respect



    that makes a good team for husband and wife and to raise a family

  10. Think there are two s*x's for reasons other then reproduction.

    That only by working together are men and women at there best.

    Simple concept...two people...if one is always making the decisions the two can only be as good as that one..never better.  If two people are working together they will always be stronger and better together.  Therefore always better then the one.

    s*x bandits...sounds kinda you mean s*x offenders?

    Same s*x schools have advantages and one huge disadvantage. The rest of the world doesn't live like part of school is preparing for the real world.  Your child wont be prepared.  

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