
Give me your opinion on why the schools, seemingly, not functioning properly.

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I see more and more schools being built and more closed down (in my city). I see no progress, only regression where the learning is concerned. The students are being moved around and there isn't much that can be said. The school board doesn't seem to have it together (in my opinion). Frankly, I am a little frustrated about this. I have small children and they will be going into this system that seems to be so unstable. Can somebody help me out with a word that can put me at ease about this?




  1. I'm not going to put your mind at ease. The problem is that despite America's wealth there is a lot of money put toward the military and defense, and as a result we are further behind other Western countries in terms of education and healthcare.

    I think the only thing that will bring you comfort is to become a better citizen. Learn the issues. Support the candidates on policies not on anything else. Take an active role in your community. All politics is local if you know what I mean.

  2. because greedy people want money money money money and thats why to schools all sssssssssssuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk

  3. There can be a number of reasons dependent upon your particular school system./ Some of them are:

    lack of parent involvement

    Feeling that a lot of complaints can lead to acceptance of the complaint

    Board members not involved in education

    Poorly trained treaters

    Lack of supervision

    Poor school leadership

    Student mobility

    Lack of adequate pay for administration and teachers

    Poor curriculum.

    Lack of student motivation

    Poor discipline

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