
Give me your opinion.?

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I've written 2 sayings. Tell me what you think of them. (I never really posted them because I hate it when people plagiarize)

1. A friend gives you a key to their heart when you need a place to stay.

2. Look inside of my'll find me alone in the dark.




  1. Yes, in my opinion you have committed a blunder by posting them here.

  2. nice

    i like both of them, especially the first one!!

  3. Both good. My favorite is the first one. I like to post stuff in blogs and in a personal journal and date them because i've had some of my stuff stolen off of myspace and then they would sign their name at the end lik they wrote it lol.

  4. I love the first one, the second one I can understand too, and it can have great meaning. I hope you're not thinking of doing anything are you?

    Good on you for being honest, you should be proud to come up with sayings as I couldn't. Well done!

  5. I like the first one very much, although I would interpret the second one as a cry for help.

  6. ok hmm......

    the first one is sweet and i never heard the last part it can mean love and really support

    2nd one i dont really get wat is that his lonely?
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