
Give me your opition immigration.?

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Okay,what you think about immigrants coming to the United States?

Do you think it should be aloud?

Where do immigrants come the most?

When they come to the U.S do they come with real identity?

What are the policys the United State we have for immigrants?

I wanted to know this information because I have to do a research paper on Immigrants and the policy but I must keep it simply but explain the policy of the United States.




  1. I think that immigration should be aloud but until a certain extend like not allowing too many immigrants at the same time and making sure everything is balanced or else the people who live in the US would be the one suffering if nothing is kept in order..

    well at least that's what i think

  2. This country was founded on immigration- I have no problem with it. Of course those were the days when people were responsible for their own actions. They worked, paid their taxes, supported their familes without government assistance. I believe we should have a one strike your out rule. Yes please come to this country- legally- document yourself. Get a job with your own identity, pay taxes, pay your own healthcare, follow the laws. Break one of these go back to poverty.

  3. My opinion is that anybody from anywhere in the Americas should be allowed into the US after passing a health examination and if they have no criminal record.

    Freedom of passage over borders should be a given.  Don't YOU assume you can go to Mexico if you want to?

    It wasn't until we made "immigration laws" that people from south of the border started staying here.  Previously they came here and worked, then went there and enjoyed a prosperous retirement.

    I believe in freedom.  Not just for Americans, but for everybody.

    People represent wealth.  If we have made them a liability by giving them welfare and health care, the mistake is ours, not theirs.  

    People work to create products and render services.  How much would a McDonalds meal cost if labor unions had their way?  $50?

    Immigrants bring wealth.  Wealth is good.  

    Besides.  I like Mexican food, and the best is made by Mexicans.  So I like Mexicans.  I think we should show them the welcome mat, not the "no trespassing" sign.

  4. To answer your questions:

    I welcome any immigrant who legally enters the US.

    I believe immigration should be allowed but with restrictions to control population and overcrowding.

    I think the most immigrants come from Mexico.

    The legal immigrants I assume come with their real identity.  The illegals who get caught usually give a fake name because they are cowards and have no respect for law.

    The United States allows the most immigration in the world and admits more immigrants than the rest of the world combined.

    Finally, I blame the US government for the illegal immigration problem.  They ignored the problem for decades, gave amnesty multiple times, and have now decided to crack down.  Now these illegals think that they have rights and are refusing to leave.

  5. Immigration is great! and it should continue, but as long as there is a good screening process. There are immigrants all over the states now. Since CA, TX and AZ are right next to Mexico, Mexican immigrants would migrate there, but that has changed. The East Coast states like Florida and NY get Puerto Rican, Cuban, and more European immigrants. Immigrants help out our country a lot by working hard, being consumers and paying taxes. They also bring their cultural beliefs and good food. How great is it that I can have a conversation with a person from another country and eat their food without having to leave the US!.

    Check out these articles. There's a lot of good info there.

    Contributions of Immigrants to the United States

    Do Immigrants Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes? You Bet They Do!


    ALOUD as in Reading aloud (not silently)

    You should use ALLOWED as in you allow.

    LEGAL Immigrants are WELCOME

    Illegals need to get the HECK out of this Country!


    Research in a LIBRARY not in yahoo answers.

  7. I'm okay with legal immigration 100-300 thousand annually.

    Immigrants bring wealth, new ideas, and fresh workers.

    Immigrants come for a variety of reasons, political, economic opportunity, freedom.

    I am even OK with a worker visa for Mexicans and Canadians to come for the day, week, month, harvest season(?), do a job and return to their home country. We do this with many specialized fields for people from other countries.

    I am opposed to letting them collect Social Security, Welfare, Medi-Care/Caid, but they should pay any and all payroll taxes. They can get credits from their own countries tax authority much as we get tax credits for the foreign taxes that we pay.

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