
Give me your thoughts on this opinion please..?

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Prepare for a long drawn out post, but this is my honesty of what I think about ghosts and experiences I and others have had. By the way, be brave and look at this with an unbiased approach and take no offence to it.

I used to believe in ghosts because of strong encounters I have had with things that could not be seen. The thing is, the encounters that I have had are probably some of the encounters alot of people across the world have had that seem very very believable and legit when being told, and being there at the exact moment experiencing it. The thing is though, I have debunked my own experiences with the help of science. No don't think I am going to steer right off topic and shamelessly plug science, but let me just say that Alot of people who believe in the paranormal and religion hate the word 'Science'. But I love it because it has absolutely changed my life. I used to be a believer(religion) and I also used to be 100% sure ghosts existed on our planet. Now I am the complete opposite because of science. Thats all I want to say about it.

I am not going to really tell my 'ghost' stories, because they are the same old generic ghost stories. I can say that, when it happened at the time. It was absolutely terrifying and life changing. When it happened I became religious because I actually thought 'hey...maybe there really is a heaven, purgatory and h**l. I better start getting close to god, because I don't want to end up in the 2nd one and DEFINITELY not the third one.' But to be honest with you. After studying science and watching religious debates between very smart people who are atheists and believers I have changed alot. Its amazing what you can answer when you really look at things from an unbiased and reasonable position.

I really think that it is all in our heads man. We grow up listening and watching mythical stories from times when human beings weren't very advanced. We watch horror movies over and over again about Ghosts, Devils and Gods. And because of a strong Religious tradition in the human race, we assume that these 'ghosts devils and gods' are legit and real. Its an ongoing process century after century in all walks of life. So when you go in your basement late at night and something slams when no one is home. Like a automatically get creeped out and think the worst. And by worst, you should be thinking a burglar or something, but no. By worst we think it is damned ghost. Of coarse we do. In the back of our minds after being fed all this mythical cr@p on TV and in books for years, that is what we automatically think... And religion solidifies it because religion makes you believe there is an afterlife, angels demons ghosts and all sorts of stuff when all types of religions have no scientific evidence at all besides A BOOK. It is amazing what a big long old book can do to a race of beings isn't it? So...these experiences have happened to me and I was able to debunk them. Most of the occurrences were caused by weather, animals, other human beings and poor structures(creaking floors etc.) Its just that in the heat of the moment you get scared and assumed the worst right? You just got to really look at it man. Science has really improved my life. I used to be a strong believe and be terrifyed to be alone in my very old home, or go out in the woods alone in the dark etc etc..basically any creepy place that would be a 'ghost haven' in a believers eyes. Now, I go in my 'creepy' basement in pitch black darkness, walk my dog in the woods at night and can go anywhere without feeling a tiny bit of fear. Even with all types of noises happening around me that I can't see with no human life in site. Its amazing what science does bro. It really makes you in tune with your surroundings. You are one with the earth man for real. Look into it.




  1. It's refreshing to hear you talk enthusiatically about science when so many people seem to be so anti-science, specifically the ghost enthusiast's, creationist's, etc.....

    I once believed that ghosts and a whole host of other things were possible, but as I got older and wiser and looked into what science had to say about so many of these types of phenomenon, the less I believed in them.

    Ghosts are  not the "spirit" or "soul" of the dearly departed.

    I always promote critical thinking and hope that people will accept science as much as they do "ghosts".

    Remember had it not been for science, we wouldn't be here right now.

  2. Glad you like science. Strange thing is, many scientists believe in God. Are they not scientists or does science maybe not explain everything?

  3. I would like to ask my X-baby sitter for her opinion of this ,she tried to leave My apartment one night after I got home and something was pulling the back of her shirt ,you could see the shirt being pulled  just as if a person was doing it  and she couldn't leave,it finally let go of her shirt and she ran out the door never to sit for me again.Let me know how science explains that one.I do understand that many things can be explained and that people have been programed just about from birth to fear almost everything,but there are many things that science can not explain even today.Thanks for sharing.

  4. I went looking for ghosts.  I never had a paranormal experience in my life before I started ghost hunting.   I feel that the only real proof of spirit activity is by Electronic Voice Phenomenon.  EVP is easy to do and as of yet can not be explained away by skeptics or  scientists.   Is it proof that ghosts exist?  Does it prove that your dead aunt or uncle is talking to you?  No.  But it does prove that something is out there.

  5. The way I see it (and please dont take this as being offending to you its just my opinion) is that there are facts on science, theres books about it and well known scientists around the world.Science is something that can be explained by people who look into things far too much and come up with a logical explanation for everything.

    Just because people cant explain scientifically why or how they see/sense spirits it doesnt necessarily mean than its not happening. The simple fact is that no one really does know what happens after death (if anything) and if making contact with spirit is what carries people through tough times then where is the harm in it?

    With science, you can study things and examine them and come up with scientific facts for things, with spirits you simply cant because as I said before no one really does know what happens after death... and if someone tries to say that they do know and tries to explain it all they get is ridiculed and negative comments by scientist who think they know everything there is to know about anything.

  6. since you asked - It sounds like a very comforting and comfortable opinion.  Of course, science is a growing, ever changing, ever rearranging entity as well.  For instance, I'm sure you believe in gravity - even though its only a theory.  You can't see it, you can't touch it, you just believe that's the reason you're able to stay on the ground because someone told you that without it you'd float away.  I too happen to believe in gravity though I notice it exists (theoritically) whether I believe in it or not.  Science is nothing more than someone saying - I see 'a' and 'b' and that lead me to assume 'd'.  Until the day someone comes along and asks - didn't you notice 'c'?  Science is not only healthy, its important - but even the scientific community realizes it knows only a small amount of what is really going on.  Science constantly builds on itself and changes, takes wrong turns and comes back to the problem from a different angle.  I apply science to my everyday life.  But I also believe there is a great deal more out there than what my eyes can see or what science has managed to figure out just yet.  That doesn't mean I believe in mermaids - but I do believe in a spiritual aspect to our world.  My Christianity and my faith in science don't have to be at odds with each other.  I realize that science is still growing and that so is my knowledge of God.  That's my take on the things of this world and I don't spend time worrying about creaking doors or things that go bump in the night.  Beliveing in demons I also believe in angels and that my God is well able to protect me from 'boogies'.

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