
Give reasons for the importance of children and young people's development of self-esteem and resilience?

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  1. Confidence in the future

    The ability to respond

    Knowing yourself

    The ability to fight back (figuratively)

    Knowing your background

    Comparing yourself with others (favourably or not)

    There are a lot more relevant reasons but my tea has arrived!!!

  2. if a child has a good sense of themselves they wont abuse others through angry reactions, and the ripple of this will be less and less people getting abused and more ripple effect.

    its to stop the cyclic abuse from generation to generation.

    if you think of how a child is abused just

    when they fall over they might be told to stop crying, to hurry up, to stop being pathetic...etc ect...they will then tell others to do this instead of finding a healthy way to heal themselves...

    and then we have the other extreme of sexual abuse..

    we laso have the idea of success/failure instilled in our lifestyles and this puts pressure on performance and competition..there's nothing wrong with competition as it is healthy to create new ideas that might benefit man/womankind...however if it creates abuse and children are judged or criticised they willl grow up judging and criticising..which are all forms of abuse and centred around false self esteem...if adults have a false sense of success and failure how can children grow up healthily?..with good examples and knowing they can fit into the world without all this unhealthy form of living..

    i am afraid that are still primitive beings and we have to evolve into more decent beings..not be controlled into it...

  3. To be resilient(the ability to bounce back from adversity)it is crucial for a child to be supported to develop a positive self esteem.The two go hand in hand are are vital tools for the job of life.Without these tools children are vulnerable.This could have a negative effect on the developing child in hundreds of ways.If a child has low esteem it has no confidence.This would affect the emotional stability of the child and in turn this could affect outcomes for the child for years to come.The impact could be seen in areas such as education,relationships or health but will almost certainly affect the child in more than one area.Developing resilience and esteem life skills that enable the child to thrive and will assist in the child reaching its full potential.

  4. The reason it's important that children & young peoples' self esteem is developed is because without it, they'll never really grow to their full potential. The self esteem (high of course) of any person is what aids them to join themselves to friends (singularly or as part of a team)

    It's what determines how well they'll get on in school (academically) & how well they'll relate to others around them.....

    It's what helps them to know or feel they have the ability to go for jobs & training courses as young people & adults.

    It's what helps them to be able to differentiate a good relationship from a bad one.....what gives them the strength & confidence to face life without fear & to be able to trust their own trust themselves.

    It's what guides a person in knowing they're worth something in this life & what gives them the strength & confidence to go out there & get it.

    I know, because I grew up without it & it's not a very nice place to be…..I brought all my children up with S**t loads of the stuff & they’re everything I should have been but never was.

  5. Only one reason. So they can survive with pride and self respect in the Socialist Republic of Blaowns Britain.

  6. If you are going to be working with children I really think you  need to do this yourself.

    If you are having problems with the wording simply say it out loud as if you are telling someone and write it down as you speak.

  7. Because without them the affective filter prevents or inhibits learning.

    However, in order to be real, self-esteem has to be earned. In the past, a lot of time was wasted just telling kids they were great, without giving them any chance to prove it. When we let a child build on strengths instead of weaknesses, the resulting self-esteem is real. And when we teach them it is not only acceptable but necessary to make mistakes in order to learn, they also develop resilience.

  8. if a child's self esteem is developed early,  during their adolescence and adulthood,  they will learn to stand for them selves and  rely on their judgement.  

    of course this must be done with moral guidance from the parents.

    actually those found to be naughty or headstrong during their youth,  with the proper upbringing of the parents, are those found to be successful.

    those that are too obedient during their youth are found low in self esteem when they grow up.

  9. If the children are form tax dodging, work shy parentage then there is no reason for them to have any self-esteem they should be shown up as the worthless and un-needed offspring of under-class rubbish that they are.

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