
Give reasons why a company would prefer using supervisors than a outside contractor to perform work?

by Guest57267  |  earlier

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Give reasons why a company would prefer using supervisors than a outside contractor to perform work?




  1. No supervisor is going to want to do regular "work" unless there is a problem.  The supervisor will want to hire the contractor.  Money must be tight and the company isn't hiring ,  not even temps./

  2. Companies would prefer to use there own employees whenever they need management or supervision.  The reason?  Because a contracted employee is only working under contract.  Once that contract is fulfilled then they will be released, potentially leaving any issues or problems to occur in the future.

    In addition, a contracted employee cannot be reprimanded like an actual employee.  There are legal issues that could arise.

    Just my two cents.

  3. Depending on the type of business there is the issue of intellectual capital. When a worker leaves an organization their experience and knowledge leaves with them.

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