
Give reasons why there have ben changes to speed limits for cars in Great Britain duing the last hundred years

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Give reasons why there have ben changes to speed limits for cars in Great Britain duing the last hundred years




  1. Great Britain is still one of the worst countries for road accidents / deaths.

    There is talk now about highering the motorway speed limit from 70mph to 80mph.

    In addition to setting a maximum speed limit, most governments also enforce speed limits that are relative to the driving conditions experienced; that is, requiring drivers to adjust their speed when driving in fog or heavy rain.

  2. Well 100 years ago cars could only do like 20 mph...

  3. For the first eighty years of the hundred you're asking about it was because of increasing performance of motor vehicles, increasing traffic, and increasing non-motorized vehicle (bicycles, pedestrians) traffic.

    For the last twenty years you can pretty much point to the increased revenue that tickets generate when the speed limits are set less than the roads can safely support and less than the speed at which most people are comfortable driving.

    For the last twenty years it has all been about generating revenue.

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