
Give ten easy points! fast!?

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I'm doing this article for school and were doing a poll can u help us!? please and thank you!

now please give us ur embarrassing moment we do not take ur name, it can be real or made-up.

would u rather play?...

basketball, baseball, volleyball, or watch tv?

what is ur fave holiday?

christmas, easter, thanksgiving or valentine's day

thank you so much!




  1. Embarrassing moment: my poodle having a taste for blood a finding a used tampon in the bathroom garbage. I had to chase him around and pry it out of his mouth while my boyfriend had just come over for the first time. And it wasn't even mine! *_*

    I'd rather play voleyball.

    Christmas all the way!

  2. Most Embarrassing Moment:

    The time in 1st grade when i picked my nose and ate the snot infront of the whole school during a play.

    I would rather play Volleyball

    My favorite Holiday would be Christmas, its also my Birthday.

  3. most embarrassing moment would be at the pool my guy was pulling on the fringe of my shorts and some how my tapon sting was hanging out with them and he pulled it out.not funny-gross and embarrassing.

    i would rather play


    my fave holiday


  4. hi,

    my most embarassing moment is in 4th grade i fell of my chair in the middle of a huge test..every one was CRACKING up. lol

    id rather play baseball <3


    good luck with your project! xoxo

  5. Embarrassing moment:  Working in a pizza shop, I slipped and fell while holding the serving tray with customers food

    I would rather play baseball

    Christmas is my favorite holiday

  6. embarrasing - at a play and there was a joke, and i was the only on ein the audience who got it and i laughed and everyone turned round and stared at me.



  7. my embarrasing moment...i was wlaing with my bf all cool around campus..he leaned to giv me a kiss& i tripped ovr his shoe..

    basketball is the best sport evr

    my fav holiday is christmas

  8. I'm afraid to fly and when traveling by plane I have to take sedatives or I'll get thrown off the plane for crying and acting like an idiot.  So the side effect from the sedatives that I'm perscribed causes me IBS (for those of you who don't know...........diarhea)

    I was boarded onto a completely packed plane.  During the flight I had to go to the bathroom and while standing in line I could feel it building and tried to head back to my seat but the plane was so busy and full I was having problems.  Fearing I wouldn't make it back to my seat I sat down in the isle in hopes to avoid the inevitable.  But to no evail.  I pooped my pants.  Everyone in line was nice enough to let me cut and go clean up and I tried to stay the rest of the flight in the lavetory because I was so embaressed but the flight attendants wouldn't allow it.

    HUMILIATING and I couldn't RUN (pardon the pun) from the situation.

    I would watch TV since I can't play sports

    And Thanksgiving.  :)  My birthday sometimes falls on t-day.

  9. ok sure :]

    my most embarrassing moment was when i was standing on my desk wehn the teacher left and i was dancing (my friend dared me) and then the PRINCIPAL walked in and suspended me and gave me detention when i got back for 2 weeks

    i would rather watch tv

    and my fave holiday is CHRISTMAS (yay santas coming) lol jk santas fake :]

    hope this helps :]

  10. embarrassing moment: someone let me go ahead in a line, and i got the last ice cream. i just took it and left, then i realized what happened.

    watch tv

    neither, but given choices: thanxgiving

  11. when I was younger I was afraid of heights

    and got coerced into a high action thrill ride

    I was so scared I told the conductor person to stop the ride and everybody was pissed at me

    I'd rather watch tv... or wrestle

    christmas is amazing!

  12. one day i was out with my friends in the mall, and i tripped and fell flat on my face, i looked up and this guy i really liked was staanding with his friends laughing.

    volleyball obv

    christmas def


  13. my embarassing moment is.. oh god i have so many

    but once i was standing at my desk in grade 8 and the guy i was sitting beside he pulled my chair back. i went to sit down and smashed my head on th e desk behind me and fell on my butt

    yeah it hurt but it was hilarious

    i couldnt' belive i was dumb enough to fall for it. lol

    i would rather play volleyball

    and my favourite holiday is christmas

  14. My friends and I were at the fair years ago. We were walking along when we saw these good looking guys about two min. later I stepped in a hole and fell flat on my face.funny now wasn't then.

    In The Day basketball. To old now so watch tv

    Halloween is but not a choice . So Christmas

  15. My most embarrassing moment was when my friend looked at this woman and said can Romadal get your phone number my name isn't even that and she was a married woman. basketball, thanksgiving

  16. My embarasing moment was when I had to drive my sister to the hospiatl in my PJ's and I had to wait 3 hrs ppl thought I was homeless!!

      Watch TV :)


  17. I'm a great grandmother now but when I was about 8 or 9 yrs old I was madly in love (or so I thought) with a classmate my age.  We were writing love letters to each other and the teacher found one that I had written to him.  I got the strap and not sure if the boy did or not but I was really embarrassed.  I never told my mother until about 15 years ago and to my surprise she had never heard about it.  We lived in a small country village where everybody seemed to know everything about everybody so it surprised me that she hadn't been told.

    I'm now too old for sports so tv is my fav past time.

    Christmas is my fav holiday but not for the gifts I might receive.  I love getting ready for the big day by decorating the house, inside and out.  I also love seeing my kids, grand children and my beautiful new great grand daughter all on that festive day.  .


  18. I peed the bed when I was drunk my guy friends bed!!  I cleaned his entire room the next day and did all of his laundry.  I don't even remember having peed...I had blacked out.

    Would rather play with myself....

    Fav holiday...definitely Halloween--fun for me and the kids---Ciao

  19. id rather watch tv im not active valintines day is my fav holiday my most embarrasing moment i literally wet myself laughing at skool shame oh shame

  20. embarrassing moment- ha, i tripped rite into my crushes arms




    hope i helped

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