
Give the number of valence d electrons in the following ions:?

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Give the number of valence d electrons in the following ions:

1. Cu +1

2. Co +3

3. Zn +2

4. V +3

5. Ti +2

Please help




  1. Cu   10

    Co   6

    Zn   10

    V     2

    Ti     2

  2. A lot of people get confused about this.

    In the free gaseous atom, 4s comes below 3d, but in transition metal cations  (actually, in all transition metal compounds) 3d is below 4s.

    So all you need to do is to look at the total number of valence electrons, subtract the positive charge, and all the electrons left go into 3d.

    Advanced comment: what happens is that 4s in an atom mixes with ligand lone pairs, and the bonding combination is occupied by mainly ligand electrons, while the antibonding combination is at higher energy and generally speaking not used.

  3. Cu 8

    Co 8

    Zn 8

    V 8

    Ti 8

  4. An electron of subshell  d can not be a valence electron since the subshell d is always internal.

    But elements having a subshell d can have valence electron originating from an other subshell

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