
Give three good reasons why Obama should become next president.?

by Guest64975  |  earlier

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Give three good reasons why Obama should become next president.?




  1. 1.  8 years of republican has put us where we are right now.  Just the normal cycle to change it up with a democrat.

    2.  Younger, more ideas, more energy.

    3.  Plain and simple, it is time for change.  Whether it works or not, don't know yet, but the last 8 years haven't gone to well.

  2. 1) He's good at repeating hollow catch phrases.

    2) He's black ( and we all know that if you don't vote for the black guy, even if he is totally incompetent, you're a racist ).

    3) umm.. Bush beat Gore.

    Seriously, this guy has NOTHING going for him.

  3. He promises to give everyone everything they want

    he will solve all of our problems

    all we have to do is believe in him

    - or did I confuse him with someone else_

  4. 1.  he wants to end the war

    2.  has a plan to create jobs for AMERICANS

    3.  he's not a republican

  5. 1. He's not George Bush Jr

    2. He's not George Bush SR -- is he still alive?

    3. He's not John McCain

  6. He speaks well

    He talks well

    He gives good speeches with a telepromter

    Other than that, he's an empty suit who makes a lot of noise

  7. 1. I'm not against his tax policy, per say...but typically I'm fiscally conservative and sometimes liberal tax policies scare me.  I'm still undecided about that.

    2. He had some fire last night...when the time comes, if he is in office, will that fire still be there?  

    3. Will he disappoint me?  I want him so badly to be the candidate of change...these politicians kill the working force of America for their own good.  I'm tired of a corrupt Washington.  They work for us...not the other way around.  He talked big last night, if elected...he had better bring the change he promises.

  8. 1.  Rob from the rich and give to the poor.

    2.  Punish corporations for making too much money and creating millions of jobs.

    3.  Allow born alive babies to die from a failed abortion attempt.

      Wait a minute!!!  You said GOOD reasons.

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