
Give your opinion how endangered species can be saved?

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Give your opinion how endangered species can be saved?




  1. I think the construction of new developments, businesses, and anything else needs  to be put to a complete stop! I really mean it! People, I should say Land Developers, have absolutely no regard to wild life ,plants, bugs, birds and anything that doesn't carry a pocket book! It's like if you aren't a human, you are nothing! Every square inch of open space is being built upon. The animals homes are being destroyed along with there food.They come down into what used to be their homes,looking for food,and when they do, they get shot,or something else. And they wonder why "All The Sudden" animals are being seen coming down to the houses! People are Stupid! People will always be stupid,and there is not much you can do to stop it. How Sad,I really feel for the other life on this Planet. Bye

  2. Endagered species can be saved by increasing their number through reproduction.

  3. Kill poachers..

    Save habitat...

  4. Habitat preservation!!!  A key factor in the survival of endangered species. Also, in the case of some stop poaching!

  5. Maybe their continued existence has already been secured - genetically modified insects affecting the food chain could somehow render our existence impossible and the endangered species will eventually inherit the earth - meek or otherwise.

    In nature, saving is an abstract concept - entities either do or do not survive and numerous combined factors influence that outcome. Cats making cute and cuddly pets may be one. living ins a safe house with a car instead of struggling to survive in the jungle on foot are probably others.

  6. by not cutting any more trees down b/c trees are homes to hundreds of different species, especially in the rainforest where there are unique species to that region and some that may not have even been discovered yet..

    also stopping people who are always building homes in the mountains because then the ppl are complaing animals come into their homes and kill them...well hello it was their home and it's the mountains...

    there are plenty of other ways to save animals.. but these are just some suggestions..

  7. Education on the Importance of our environment..   It makes me sooooooo mad that the environment has been turned into a political battle.

  8. Stop hunting & killing  them for fun as well as taking more of their living habitat away.

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