
Give your opinion on Great Michael Phelps ?

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He has won 11 medals in olympics and that speaks volumes of how great he is.He is single-handedly leading USA's fight against China for top spot.He has greater chance to be awarded best player of Olympics.




  1. i think michael phelps is the greatest swimmer ever (:

  2. He is an excellent swimmer, the best America has ever produced. He truly is gifted and whilst some people give America a bad name, Phelps makes America beam with pride. He is truly an asset to the American Olympics team.  

  3. Best swimmer, best Olympic athlete ever. and he has sportsmanship too  

  4. If Olympics achievement says it all then he is undeniably the greatest swimmer of all time. You can take it away from him. He deserves it. If anyone accused him of doping then what is the point of having sports body, a democratic government,and human rights organization? If we support those agencies and Michael Phelps is not charged then is not right for us to accuse him of taking steroid or whatever.

  5. A freak  AND a geek, I really feel sorry for someone who says his whole life is "eat, sleep, swim", obsessive people miss out on so much in life as he will realize in later years.

  6. He's definitely up there with the Olympic greats.

    It helps, in relays, to have a whole team come through, of course, but it takes a lot of focus and determination to win gold and break the records he's broken. He also benefits from the scheduling.

  7. Isn't he that canadian cyclist ?

  8. He makes your country look bad.  Why is he like that? some sort of psyco.

    I am in to sports and doing well . that is nuts and dumb  makes your country look dumb when one athlete wins all the medals is he on drugs or something?Just looking from the outside and do not like what I see generaly at the olympics

  9. I think he is too cool, I hope he for eight Olympic gold medals to achieve the dream!

    He played very steady game to fully show his superiority, and the case swimwear also give him a lot of time to increase!

    I love him!

  10. I think he was cheating during the competition.. so sad..... 7 out of 10 USA athletes are cheating.. no doubt about it  

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