
Give your opinion on fantasy football trade

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I traded: Larry Fitzgerald, Reggie Bush, and Minnesota defense

I got: Randy Moss, Willie Parker, New England defense

p.s. I already had Tom Brady on my team, so now I have Brady AND Moss.




  1. Good Trade...enough said!

  2. I will agree with the others and say you did get the better end of the deal on this trade.

    I don't care how old Moss is, he will dominate. I hardly think 7 months between the Super Bowl and now will diminish his skills. Also, he is playing against the easiest schedule in the league, not to mention the weakest division. Fitz is great as well, but Moss is in the situation to put up better stats.

    Bush is a bust. Everyone needs to come to terms with that. I know everyone was genuflecting when he came out of USC, but he hasn't done anything outstanding at all. He is average at best.

    Parker you know will start and get yards. He doesn't get many TDs, but he will earn you points for yards russhing.

    The defenses are pretty even as far as talent.

    But, you have to again look at schedules. The Pats defense is about to take on only 4 teams that had winning seasons last year.

    Seahawks, Chargers, Colts, and Steelers.

    So, in comparison, the Pats have the greatest potential to dominate the same weak teams they dominated last season when they went 16-0.

    The negative I see for you is the Patriots bye week. That's the problem with having too many players from the same team on your squad.

    Good luck.

  3. this trade is such a rip-off for u! moss is way better than fitz. willie has same value as bush (which is none). minnesota's d, however, is better than NE. especially since they lost their star safety... pretty good trade for u.

  4. thats a good trade. Randy Moss is way better then Larry Fitzgerald so you did good there. Willie Parker is better then Reggie Bush, put Willie Parker doesnt score much tds but he'll have lots of yards, and the Minnesota defense  for New England defense i pretty good

    Minnesota defense  is better then New England defense, but over all you your trade was great

  5. who ever you traded with got ripped off

    please join my league

    League ID#: 358179

    Draft type:live draft 8/12

    Password: 235689

  6. I strongly disagree with Fantasy Dude.  Randy Moss is not way better than Fitzgerald, nor is Parker way better than Bush.  Fitz is a beast who plays on a poor team but continually puts up great numbers and has youth on his side.  Moss is getting old and I seriously doubt he will repeat last year's success and, if things don't go right for him, he will pout and quit playing as history has proven.  Bush is still developing and both runs and catches the ball and has much more value than Parker who is soft at the goal line and will be pushed by Mendenhall.  The defenses are non factors.  This is only my opinion but I do not see you improving by making this trade.

  7. You got the better end. Moss is better than Fitzy. But Willie is a ? and same with Bush so u just trade ?'s for ?'s even though willie is better and Pats D is gonna kill u they have no secondary And Minn has a great Upside. But you have a great team with the number 1 Qb and number 1 WR. But u better get a backup D. Agree with Chief some wat But fitzy is not as good as moss. And bush will either kill you or help you same with willie comming off a injury but that shouldent be a promble but mendanhall will be. And Ds help in close game belive me i had games that they barley give me a win

  8. You stole Moss and the D's are in (slightly) The Vikings favor but Pats still are the best offense.

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