
Given Amy Winehouses shambolic performance on the weekend at the V Festival, should we just write her off?

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We all know she's going to be dead in 5 years. Lets just let her get on with it, so we can praise some other talented musicians who are actually decent human beings as well.




  1. i know i was watching it yesterday and last night,she is proper bad,well still on it,you could see she is nothing but skin and bone,i just hope those around her give her the help she needs instead of the crack,she has to find the strength to do it for her self,its not an easy road to travel,she has a long way to go yet,regardless its not right just to right some one off for whatever reason.she is still a human being.

  2. As bad as her performace was, I cant write her off cause she is in a dark morbid way keeping the traditon of rock and roll alive.

    Look in the headlines now a days, how many musicians do you read of being rockstars? Yea I guess I like my music to have drugs, s*x and wild tendenices with it but what happens when it comes to light of a artist is living it up? They are going down a dark path and need to go to rehab, the true killer of music. I dont want my favorites to die but in a way the notion that they are dancing close but still making the shows making music.... well thats what i like and miss anymore out of music these days.

  3. It is testament to the free society that we are living in. It is obvious that those around her just want to make money from her and dont really care how they do that. Having said that over the years the music industry has had many addicts who can only be creative when they are f##ked up.

  4. She's a tragic case alright, maybe it's time she hung up the beehive and went fishing.  

  5. You're not God...for all YOU know, she'll be recovering from her struggle with dependence in 5 years time, hopefully sooner...

    She cleaned up nicely...She needs treatment not strangers like you writing her off...

  6. You know that she's no good.

  7. Well Dave we all know you are full of hate for Amy for some reason & wish her dead, BUT to me in that photo, she has been caught singing and her face looks distorted. She looks clean (skin and clothes) and I can't see any marks up her arms. She also appears to have put some weight on.

    I suppose people see what they want to see.

    I wish Amy Winehouse all the best and hope she one day beats her demons. (and dumps her husband)

  8. Yes she is a waste of space(however talented) and a bad example for all, room 101 with her and straight in the bin.

  9. Well, she does seem to entertain on all levels!  

  10. I was just going to call you tight. that pic gave me a shock tho.

  11. Shes obviosuly going through some dark things but i wouldn't write her off just yet.. her uniquie talented voice is hard to deny even if she isnt great live.

  12. It's very disappointing to pay good money to see a performer, and then get let down.

    Amy Winehouse is on the slippery slope and heading downhill fast, we all know that, but that does not mean we just write her off!

    That is both unfair, and petty.

    As for your comment "We all know she's going to be dead in five years", I would say that not only is it  not very Christian, to make that sort of comment, it's also very stupid!

    You, or any one else for that matter, could be dead in five years, we  do not know the date or the time of our demise, and this is what makes your comment stupid!

  13. She is a waste of oxygen.

  14. If my stepdaughter came home looking like that, I`d chain her in the cellar.....

  15. Why doesn't she just disappear for a couple of years to some mountain hideaway or remote island. Get herself clean and sober, then return.

    Or, is she just a media w***e?

  16. The bottom of the associated story says that on the 3rd leg of the tour she was actually pretty good and distinctly better than the other two gigs..

    So much as I dislike her and I really do dislike her.. I don't think you can write her off just yet.

  17. Och yer just a wee ray of sunshine today,so you are.Fall out the wrong side of bed?

  18. No - it's YOU we should write off after your pathetic and insulting question about Heath Ledger

  19. It amazes me that when you see a footballer behaving like a moron on the pitch, everyone screams that he should be banned for ever as a bad example to set for kids.

    Yet when a wretch like her is constantly seen on television out of her box on drugs, everyone seems to believe that she will reform.

    It should be made illegal for her to appear in public and she should be given the means with which to end her sad pathetic life.

    If a member of Al Queda constantly appeared on the TV showing children how to make car bombs, there would be a nationwide revolt against the television companies.

    Why then, must our children, be subjected to the constant sight of a profound drug user who appears to be highly paid and highly acclaimed by the pop world.

    Get her off the TV and off the streets, even without the drugs she is a hiddeous sight and my children do not deserve to have her rammed down their throats by the media.

    Amy Dosshouse, do us a favour and end it all now.

    Is this really the type of deadbeat that you want your children to aspire to:-

  20. she should be locked up along with pete docherty. if that was a regular teenager they would have been charged with drug possession by now, why do celebs think they are above the law, look at kate moss if that had been a single mom  from a council estate  her kids would be in care by now. Stop giving them the publicity and let them crawl into the gutter where they belong, harsh words I know, but I have 2 teenagers and would hate to think that they would hero worship people  like that.

  21. She is washed up,and a dope head,she would rather smoke crack than make multi-millions.Janis Jopin she's not!

  22. I know it was terrible. She needs help.

  23. she is a waste of space

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