
Given John's LOVE of war and Sarah's LOVE of religion, would these two start a HOLY WAR against ?

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the Islamic Middle East, the atheist China, and the Orthodox Russia and start WW3???? This is a SERIOUS question.




  1. sinse when did John love war?

    just because he supports war in Iraq, dosen't mean he "loves war"

    Obama supports pouring troops in Afghanistan... Does he love war too?

  2. Seriously.....Palin has made several comments that imply that she thinks the war in Iraq IS a holy war....where Jesus and God are on our side. You should check out some of the things her pastor has said. "Pastor Kalnins has preached that critics of President Bush will be banished to h**l; questioned whether people who voted for Sen. John Kerry in 2004 would be accepted to heaven; charged that the 9/11 terrorist attacks and war in Iraq were part of a war "contending for your faith;" and said that Jesus "operated from that position of war mode."

  3. McCain will slip very easily into the Bush war boots.  Bush referred to the Iraq invasion as a Crusade! McCain with Sarah as the modern day Joan of Arc with her automatic weapon in her hands will invade Iran, for starters.  Time to throw the bums out!

  4. probably stupid liberals who don't know what a serious question is.

  5. Nuclear war here we come

  6. John McCain does not "Love War".  If you listen to anything the man says you would know otherwise.  

    He despises it, knows the cost of it personally, and hates that we must sacrifice our fellow patriots for our cause.

    However he knows that war is a "necessary evil."

    Unlike libs who were for it in 2003, but are against it now.

  7. The "Holy War" has been going on for centuries. The Book of Revelations says Armageddon begins with peace in the Middle East. So if you're of that mind set Obama is more likely to be the trigger man.

  8. Is there a question there?  Got any proof of your accusations?  No it's just more typical lies from a scared Buttock Insane Obama supporter.

    McCain IS YOUR new president.

  9. hahaha..youre d**n right!

    When Mccain goes to war with Russia, China and Iran, DONT COME BACK CRYING TO OBAMA

  10. If this is a serious question than you are a moron!  McCain has been to war and experienced what it truly is.  He didn't learn it from a history or poly sci class taught by some socialist at a university.  My guess is you learned about war in the latter.  Unless you've been there and see, fely, smelled, touched, slept, and ate war, you are not fit or deserving in any way to call anyone a war monger.

  11. Can you just imagine that combination? This will be the end of the world. They will bring Armaggedon. They will fulfill the Bible as fundies say it!!!

  12. I challenge your premise, I doubt John McCain LOVEs war, he may realize that it is sometimes necessary and if you must fight, fight to win. But I sincerely doubt he "LOVE"'s war.

    Of any of the four folks running for President here, Mr McCain has the most intimate experience with war and would have the most insight into the human cost...(oh and since both both of the members on the republican ticket have children in uniform, I guess you can burn your "chicken hawk" t-shirts...shame...)

    I always find it funny how we're not allowed to  judge a democratic candidate on what he has said (partial birth abortion anyone?) and done, but it's OK to judge a republican on YOUR uncanny ability to peer into the hidden thoughts and motivations of his/her heart...sigh...

  13. Oh, hello there!

    You seem to be dripping with human traits: "ignorance" and "retardation"

    R2 concurs.

  14. Yeah, if it'll help them score more Oxys for Cindy's "bad back" and Bristol's morning sickness.

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