
Given a chance to hit someone very badly who would it be? ?

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Given a chance to hit someone very badly who would it be? ?




  1. Afridi

  2. drug cheats

  3. dilip vengsarkar

    idiot of first order

  4. Whoever doesnot answer this question

  5. Her name is Lucy. She knows exactly why, I would hit her. I'm just waiting for my eventual chance to do the deed, with a smile.

  6. All racist people and also racist users who show their stupidity while giving answers.

  7. my husbands GF & him...can it be 2 people plz plz

  8. Ricky Ponting (he has too much attitude), Andrew Symonds & Greg Chappell.

  9. jaywardene

    i dont understand why he shows  attitude  and aggression

    it has to be murli and mendis who shud show aggression  but dont undrstnd why he tries to get all credit for himself .

    i will kick his asss  in front of everybody .

    may be then his artificial attitude becomes  dead.

  10. u....................................

  11. squash glove guy who robbed  our World cup~\lol~

  12. MS DHONI

  13. Hannah Montana! I'd like to punch her square in the mouth!

  14. I agree with BL, the person/s in this section who continue to make trouble & they blame OZ for it. They post Qs/As pretending to be both Indian & Aussies using many IDs, just to keep the trouble brewing. You would just have to wonder what kind of infantile sick mind does that.If I had the chance to hit them I would borrow Haydens BIG bat to do so,

  15. Shoaib Akthar for a giagnormous sixer!

  16. AISHWARYA RAI for what she did with SALMAN BHAI

  17. Jerome Corsi

    he spread lies about Barack Obama

  18. my ex-gf.

  19. i give you a hint, they have already answered this question, several times!!

  20. pervez musharraf- for sure

  21. Paris Hilton and other people who waste their life and be stupid 24/ and they dont htink about poor people who are suffering and work their butt off to earn $1 a day.....while people like her wastes her money by partying everyday and not sparing anytime to think that at this very moment sumone in the other corner of the world would do anything for a proper meal

  22. all anti-national people ~

  23. Nicole Scherzinger and I will hit her in my own way :p

  24. My cheating ex-husband

  25. if your Q is related to cricket, i will hit Mendis in cricket ~

    but if it is not related to cricket~ i will not hit anyone, because i never hit anyone, i love everyone~as long as the opponent doesn't hit me!

    hope this helps!

    god bless!

  26. The person in the cricket section who tries to make trouble between the Indians & Aussies

  27. Rudi Koertzen [ south african umpire ]

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