
Given how easy it's been for the Global Warming n***s to control you, aren't you afraid of this power they've

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acquired for themselves?

"They" meaning the f****s politicians and their team of lapdog scientists who can manipulate data to "say" whatever they want it to , in the name of "science". These people absolutely DESPISE america and the middle class.

What i am getting as is this... even after global warming is finally exposesd as a hoax, it will not take long for the n***s and their band of mad scientists to dream up a new "crisis" to control the hordes that they despise so much (in other words, you and me and all the middle class)




  1. I don't get how you can draw Nazism from Environmentalism.

    The majority of scientists agree that Global Warming is occuring. These scientists range from metreologists to biologists.

    There are many who disagree, but these scientists are typically in a field non-related to anything to do with global warming. You could ask a nuclear physicist if they believe in global warming, but does that really mean anything?

    I think the Bush Administration and how they handled 9-11 is the greater example of how hordes are controlled. How about the War on Terror, you don't think you are being controlled? So many Americans have lost sight of the real problems that face America and have decided to hate all that is foreign, etc...

    Give me some scientific credibility here on your beliefs.

  2. No, I shall not give these fools the power they hunger for but rather continue living a normal, happy I use my computer, which thankfully algore invented!!!! Yuck x's a million!

  3. The very reason why we as voters should really choose carefully what Politicians are voted out and voted into office.  This is a deciding year for the make it or break it of our Nation folks.

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